Graduating Class of 2021

Graduation Ceremony
December 3rd 2021, our Class of 2021 finally closed their schooling chapter by officially graduating from Cecil Hills High School.
On what can only be described as the perfect summer's day, our Year 12’s gathered early in the morning looking fresh and eager to receive their final graduating certificate on school grounds. Awaiting them inside the gym was their Cecil Hills High School year book, their graduation bears and freshly baked brownies.
Students heard heartfelt speeches from our outgoing School Captains, Violeta Bozanic and Max Krol; Principal, Mr Sutton; Deputy Principal, Mrs Cremin and also from their Year Advisers, Mrs Green and Ms Kulevski. Within these speeches, memories were shared, well wishes were conveyed and final tears were shed.
After what can only be described as a history making senior year, it is an absolute privilege we were able to host our students for an in-school graduation. A ceremony that was well deserved and beautifully presented.
For the final time, best of luck with everything you choose to do Year 12, you are all now ready to take on the world.
D Kulevski & J Green
Year 12 Advisers