Connect after the bell

Connect After the Bell
Despite an eventful year, Connect After the Bell was still a success! This program plays a pivotal role in supporting student learning beyond the classroom. It is operated by experienced teachers across different faculties, who assist students with their homework, assessment tasks and study.
The Connect After the Bell program is particularly beneficial as it helps students to build necessary skills including improved critical thinking, organisation and study habits, ultimately guiding them to become independent learners.
In Term 1, we had the program run after school in the school library on Wednesdays and Thursdays, however, due to increasing interest from students, we made the decision to expand the program to Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in Term 2.
In Term 3, due to the unforeseeable turn of events of online learning, Connect After the Bell operated in a similar format, however, via Microsoft Teams where students were still able to gain teacher assistance with their online work and assessments.
With the return to face to face learning and restrictions imposed on schools in Term 4, we continued the program with slight changes. Each year group had a designated day they could attend, which still enabled students to receive the support they required, more-so, in an intimate environment.
We would like to thank all of the dedicated teachers who have assisted in making this program a success. Without your time and effort, we would not have been able to expand Connect After the Bell and assist several other students.
We look forward to continuing the program in 2022 and supporting more students. Keep an eye out for details next year. We hope everyone has a well-deserved and restful break!
Ms Khoshaba, Ms Kumar and Ms Tiary
Connect After the Bell Coordinators
English Faculty