Operation Art

The award selections for the 2021 Operation Art Exhibition have been selected by a panel of judges including representatives from The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, The Art Gallery of NSW, The Office of the Children’s Guardian and the NSW Department of Education.
Congratulations to the following students whose artworks have been selected in the following award categories:
Touring 50
Cisem Kolac’s lino print of Year 10 has been selected for Operation Art’s Touring 50 in 2022. It will be exhibited at the Art Gallery of NSW, followed by a tour of regional galleries before being donated to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.
Joanna Cao of Year 7 whose drawing will be donated to regional hospitals and healthcare services throughout NSW including Bear Cottage in Manly.
Operation Art is an initiative of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead in association with the NSW Department of Education. Young people creating art for children in hospital.
Connie Mandalakoudis
CAPA Faculty