Grade 3/4 Students

Celebrating our tremendous Threes and fabulous Fours !

3/4A - Miss Lee

3/4B - Miss Brook

Passport Around Australia – First stop, Victoria!

Giacomo B
Giacomo B
Isla G
Isla G

3/4C - Mr Lewis

The students have been learning about different angles in Maths. In this activity Elliot sorted a range of angles including Straight, Acute, Obtuse and Right.


This week the students began writing their very own Christmas themed picture story books. This is still a work in progress for most of the students. Here is Osha's:

3/4D - Mr Mitch


This week in 3/4D, the students have been creating a Christmas narrative. They have implemented strategies from the Seven Steps to Writing Success to develop engaging stories. These wonderful pieces have been written by Siga S. and Isla G.

3/4E - Miss Margarita

For maths this week, 3/4E have been exploring transformation by looking at reflection, translation and rotation as well as lines of symmetry. In this task, students created a symmetrical pattern for a class rug and identified the lines of symmetry.

We have also started to look at 3D nets, the 2D shapes they are made of and connect them to 3D objects in real life. Students matched the net with the object and then made their own 3D Christmas bau


Patrick M, Piper B and Polly W
Patrick M, Piper B and Polly W
Yve E
Yve E