Grade 2 Students 

Celebrating our terrific Twos!

2A - Ms Meagan and Mrs Bird

2A have been rehearsing their Readers Theatre plays focusing on expression and fluency when reading aloud. Groups are taking it in turns to present to the clas

Leo B, Elena M, Alice P, Scarlett R, Keith N
Leo B, Elena M, Alice P, Scarlett R, Keith N

In writing students have been creating mini Mr Men and Little Miss Christmas books. They have some wonderfully creative stories. Here they are planning their ideas

Jemima C and Mackenzie B
Jemima C and Mackenzie B
Asher M and Braxton R
Asher M and Braxton R

2B - Miss Bailey

2B have had a fluency and expression focus in Reading for the past few weeks. This week we put our fluency to the test with some Christmas themed Readers Theater. 2B did an amazing job at reading and acting out their parts.

Seb M, Georgie O, Hera A
Seb M, Georgie O, Hera A
Neive J, Archie M, Millie E, Alijah W
Neive J, Archie M, Millie E, Alijah W


December 1st hit and 2B were ready for all the Christmas joy! We spent Friday afternoon creating our own Christmas tree stain glass windows to add to our classroom Christmas decorations. 2B tested their fine motor skills by having to do lots of cutting and pasting.

2C - Mrs Mac

In 2C we finished drafting and publishing our letters to Santa. We used our persuasive skills to convince him to send us an elf for the classroom. And it worked! Holly the elf joined us on December 1st.
