Canteen News

Hello from the Canteen
A warm welcome back for term 3. This term we have brought back baked potatoes as a winter warmer. We also have our in-house made hot food for the students to enjoy. Look out for some yummy specials coming this term. We are always happy to hear suggestions from parents and students on what we could add to the menu or as a special. We would also like to again thank our super team of years 5s and 6s who help us with vouchers, preschool orders and serving at lunchtimes.
Stock and menu update
Our canteen follows the Right Bite Guidelines to ensure we are providing enough healthy options and appropriate serving sizes. The Right Bite Guidelines have recently been updated and we are in the process of checking our menu to make sure items still align and are ok for sale in a Primary School setting. If any changes need to be made, they will be communicated in future newsletters and via seesaw.
As always, the QKR! menu will also show current availability/out of stock items and specials so please use QKR! to order if you can. Parents and students are also still able to come into the canteen in the mornings to purchase food for lunches or a special treat from our frozen range.
Student reminders
Students with frozen treat vouchers need to make sure they bring them to the canteen to be able to receive their treat. Treat vouchers are now being stamped and checked to ensure students get the correct items. When possible, please don't send children with notes larger than $10.00 unless you are ordering lunches for more than one child.
It has been great to see some preschool orders coming in the last few weeks! Preschool students are welcome to order lunches, drinks, and snack foods (unfortunately not frozen treats unless you are wanting to order one of our Birthday Buckets) however they must use QKR! to order because they do not bring a lunch tray to us in the mornings.
Ordering cut-off time
The cut-off time for QKR! orders is 8.50am each morning. Please check orders carefully and make sure you have selected the right day for your order. If ordering for more than one child, please check that the correct items are listed under each child’s name on the summary screen before you pay.
If you have pre-ordered food on QKR! and your child is going to be absent, please cancel the order by 9.30am or it will be charged for. (Applies to lunch food items only. Drinks, snacks, and ice-creams can be held until the next day) To cancel, ring the front office, and ask to be transferred to the canteen. Children arriving late wanting to do cash orders will have limited choices and will not be able to order after 10.30am
Our Canteen needs you
We really need volunteers to keep the canteen running. Volunteers enable us to cook our delicious and health meals onsite and keep our pricing low, students also love to see their families being involved in the school community. We welcome mums, dads, grandparents, carers etc., no experience is necessary. The canteen supervisor will guide you through the morning with preparation of lunches, bulk cooking or even cleaning, any help is greatly appreciated.
The canteen operates 4 days per week – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Our volunteer shifts are from 9.00am until 11.45 (once lunches have been distributed). It doesn’t need to be every week. Just times that suit your schedule!
A Working with Children Check is required but easily obtained and you also must complete a Volunteer Induction course online and the school will assist you with this. If you are able to give the canteen some of your time, please see Karran or Michelle at the canteen or email