What's happening?

Colour Run
We are excited to be able to hold a Colour Fun Run on Friday 15/9 (week 8). All students were provided with information last week. Don't forget to create a cybersafe, online profile page at www.australianfundraising.com.au. and start seeking donations - there are some fabulous prizes! So far our class with the highest funds is V6, followed by P6.
Extra Incentives to Fundraise!
- Online Golden Coins – complete fun online tasks to redeem an extra $75 towards your prize credit.
- Monty the Monstar’s Bonus Prizes – achieve milestones to unlock Monty’s bonus prizes.
- $10,000 JB HI FI Spending Spree for one organisation’s highest fundraising student – it could be you!
- Our school will win an extra $5,000 if we have the highest average fundraised amount per student in 2023.
- A Play Station 5 Gaming Bundle – see your child’s sponsorship booklet for more!
Scholastic Book Fair
The annual Scholastic Book Fair will be held next week from Wednesday 9th August to Friday 11th August.
Each class will be allocated a time on Wednesday for viewing the items for sale. Students can have a look at what the fair has to offer and write down the titles/items they are interested in on a Wish List. On Thursday and Friday, students will be able to purchase items from the Book Fair during school time with staff and after school with a parent from 3.00pm-3.30pm. Payments can be made using cash in a sealed envelope, EFTPOS
payments via the Front Office, at the fair after school or by making an online order. Details for online orders are on the pamphlet that students will bring home.
We look forward to helping students choose their favourite items and receiving some new items for our library through Scholastic Rewards.
Dates to Remember
Below are some of the important dates coming up. Please also refer to our Term Calendar for more.
Week 2 | |
Friday 4/8 | National Principal's Day |
Week 3 | |
Monday 7/8 | SAPSASA Basketball |
Wednesday 9/8- Friday 11/8 | Scholastic Book Fair |
Thursday 10/8 | SAPSASA Athletics |
Friday 11/8 | Assembly (V12, V16, V20) |
Week 4 | |
Science Week | |
Friday 18/8 | School Photos |
Week 5 | |
Book Week & SSO Week | |
Tuesday 22/8 | Governing Council Meeting |
Wednesday 23/8 | Choir Rehearsal |
Thursday 24/8 | Book Week Parade - 9am |
Friday 25/8 | SAPSASA Boys Soccer |
Week 6 | |
Wednesday 30/8 | Book Week Performance |
Friday 1/9 | 9am Assembly (P6 & P9) |
Week 7 | |
Monday 4/9 | PUPIL FREE DAY |
Week 9 | |
Friday 22/9 | 9am Assembly (V5, V6 & V7) |
Week 10 | |
Friday 29/9 | Casual Day 2pm Dismissal |