From the Leadership Team

Good Luck Melissa
We would like to wish Melissa Mills good luck as she takes on a position as Deputy Principal at Burnside Primary School for the remainder of the year. This is a great opportunity for Melissa to share her expertise and knowledge with a different community and gain some valuable experience in a larger school. We have advertised for a replacement and hope to be able to announce this to our community really soon. Melissa will return to Para Vista at the beginning of 2024.
3 Way Interviews
In week 4, 3 Way Interviews will again be offered to families. Teachers will be in contact with some families to arrange times but we would encourage all families to make a time with class and specialist teachers if you would like to discuss feedback received in the recent student reports or have any other concerns regarding your child's progress.
Cyber Safety Workshops
On Monday this week, SAPOL worked with our Year 5/6 students to discuss Cyber Safety and then presented a workshop for parents, sharing information from the Federal Police program ThinkUKnow. We are aware that many of our older students are active participants on social media and online gaming and with these environments constantly changing, there are many challenges faced in ensuring their interactions remain safe. Students were able to ask questions of the SAPOL officers with some interesting facts shared.
Did you know.....
*Passwords that are less than 8 characters can be cracked within hours but those that are 12 or more characters take a number of years to decipher
*That photos shared on Snapchat are saved on the Snapchat servers and become their property, allowing them to use the images
*The average age of a person who plays online games is 36 years old
*Usernames should be a name that gives away no information about the user eg name, age, address etc
*Photos shared online where children are in a school uniform, have identifying signage and even favourite possessions make it easy for someone to locate and identify a child
If you'd like more information about Cyber Safety, visit Resources | ThinkUKnow. Below is an attachment which also provides excellent information to help setup safe social media accounts with your child.
DfE Parent survey
All parents are invited to complete the 2023 annual DfE parent survey which is now open.
You should receive an email or SMS from the Parent Survey Team this week with a unique link to participate in the survey.
If you didn’t receive an email or SMS with your unique survey link, contact and include our school’s name in your email.
The survey takes less than 10 minutes and will help us understand:
- what we’re doing well
- where we can improve
- what’s important to you.
It has been coordinated centrally so that added administration workload isn't placed on the school.
Your answers won't identify you or your child. Only collated feedback will be provided to our school.
Information collected will inform school improvement planning and activities at the school.
The survey closes midnight Sunday 27 August.
Before School Supervision
At the beginning of each school day, a staff member supervises the yard at 8.30am and Breakfast Club opens. We are noticing that a number of students are arriving at school prior to this time without a parent/caregiver which results in them being unsupervised. To ensure student safety, we ask that students do not enter the yard prior to 8.30am unless with a parent/caregiver. Thank you to the families who have already taken this into account in their morning routines.
If you require supervision prior to 8.30am, please contact our OSHC staff on
8264 4261.
We thank you for your support.