The Adventures of Frankie & Ash
School Support Dogs
The Adventures of Frankie & Ash
School Support Dogs
So it's official! Ash and me both have our own Compass profiles now so that teachers can book us to go into classrooms and bring light and love to their lessons! Mum says I need to let you know that someone will check there is no one in the class who is allergic or doesn't like dogs (really? who doesn't like us???).
We have had a fun time over the last few weeks. We got to play with our cousin Rufus on the holidays. He is even more crazy than Ash sometimes and he makes a mess on the floor. But he is pretty fun to play with. Because I am very clever and I am the Oldest, I get to teach him how to behave. Me and Rufus have both been to Puppy School and have Graduated. Ash did not get to go because of something called a Pandemic. Finishing school is a very important thing to do in my opinion.
Our kitten sister Maggie has settled in really well and we all sleep together in a big pile. Maggie has special kitten food and I have found out where it is! I tried really hard to hide the empty dish from Mum and Dad but they found it and they said I was a very Naughty Girl. I will probably do it again.
That is all.
Frankie & Ash