From the College Captains

Hi guys, it’s your captains again – sorry about our absence, Year 12 is busy! But, we are back and have a lot to tell you about.
Firstly, as you have probably heard, we have begun our biggest event in years; Change for Change. Competing with Eltham High, we are challenging both schools to see who can raise the most money for the Ronald McDonald House Charity. When a child is diagnosed with a serious illness, it impacts the whole family. Lives can be turned upside down. That’s why Ronald McDonald House Charity provide a range of programs to help families stay together and close to the care they need. We hope that by joining forces with a neighbouring school, we can make an impact on families in need of support.
As per its name, Change for Change aims for donations of your loose change lying around your house – like those 5 and 10 cent coins you will never use. The winning school will win a trophy, as well as bragging rights to the community to go with the feeling of helping those in need. Furthermore, the winning Strive class will earn a pizza lunch at the end of this term!!!
To donate, bring your loose change into your Strive or Connect classes, for it to be counted, and added to the class total. This event will be running for most of the term, so don’t worry if you forget a week – you can always bring it the next week.
Alternatively, you can donate directly into the wooden box with the “Change for Change” sign on the front, usually located in the office. We'll let you know if it moves. It has a clear front so that as a school, we can see our progress. Donations are open to all, let's win this!
This brings us to our next big thing. There will be a free dress day NEXT WEEK on the 26TH OF JULY to help us kickstart our fundraising efforts. All proceeds will go towards our school’s contribution to the RMHC. To wear free dress, please bring a GOLD COIN donation (or more if you want your strive class to win), which will be added to your class total. This is the first of many events we will run this term, so stay tuned.
Change for Change has been under the works for quite some time, and we are so beyond excited and proud to finally be interacting with our nearby schools in a fun way.
We also have many great things happening all around the school. Our much-anticipated production of Chicago is fast approaching. There will be a series of performances between the 24th of August and the 2nd of September. Get your tickets before they run out!
That’s all from us this fortnight, but we’ll be back with more next time. As usual, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Thanks!
Matilda Walpole -
Maia Zouzounis -
Liam Young –
Eden Beveridge-Wood -