Need to Know

Welcome to Term 3. I hope all students and families had a restful break.
I would like to congratulate all students and staff who attended the St Helena Band Tour to the Gold Coast in the last week of Term 2. I believe everyone had a fantastic time, and we have received many glowing accolades from the schools and venues where our students performed, both on their conduct and the quality of the performances. I know a lot of preparation went into the tour so it is fantastic to hear what a success it was.
I would like to welcome Mr Tim Wood, Ms Carla Gangi, Ms Kalpanee Liyanage and Ms Melissa Linehan who have all returned from significant periods of leave.
I would also like to welcome four new team members: Mr Connor Callway (English), Mr Petros Kapoulitsas (Maths), Mr Ryan Swan (English/Special Education), and Mr Oakley Grenell (Instrumental Music).
We are also thrilled to congratulate Evie Jones of the Class of 2022 who is the recipient of a coveted Premier's Award for achieving a perfect score in her Health and Human Development subject. Congratulations also to her teacher Ms Caitlin Fecondo.
Release of Naplan results (Years 7 & 9)
I’m writing to inform you of some changes to this year’s reporting. These are changes being introduced nationally by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
NAPLAN will continue to measure student achievement in numeracy, reading, writing, spelling, and grammar and punctuation but the results will now be presented in 4 proficiency levels:
These are:
· exceeding
· strong
· developing
· needs additional support.
This change will give schools, parents and carers clearer information that details student achievement against new proficiency levels.
Students’ NAPLAN reports will continue to show how they are tracking against their peers and provide an indication of their skill levels against national averages and where we would expect them to be in order to get the most out of schooling. This provides valuable information to teachers about how we can continue to support your child.
Each set of NAPLAN results is an important milestone but it’s also important that students know that one result does not define them – these results are about making sure every student gets the support they need so they can continue to get the best from their learning.
When we provide you with your results, you will also receive information about what the new proficiency levels mean.
As ever, you’re welcome to contact regarding any questions you may have.
Stay well this Winter
In Victoria, influenza (flu) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection numbers are high among children and adolescents. The Victorian Department of Health expects more respiratory infections over Term 3.
Most children with flu or RSV have a mild fever, runny nose or cough. Some children, particularly babies and children with underlying medical conditions, may have more severe illness.
Parents, carers and students are encouraged to:
· wash and sanitise their hands regularly
· avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
· cover their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing · stay at home if unwell and consult a general practitioner (GP) or NURSE-ON-CALL as needed
· stay up to date with flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.
Students are also able to wear masks if they wish to do so.
Flu vaccinations
Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and your family from getting the flu. Annual flu vaccination is recommended for everyone aged 6 months and older. As part of the National Immunisation Program, it is free for:
· Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 6 months and older
· children aged 6 months to under 5 years
· people aged 6 months or older with underlying medical conditions.
Flu vaccinations can be booked through GPs, pharmacies or your local council immunisation service.
Find out more
For more information about staying safe this winter, refer to: · Stay well this winter on the Better Health Channel, translated into 16 languages · Influenza and immunisation on the Better Health Channel · Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) on the Better Health Channel · Getting vaccinated against influenza.
Virtual Reality @ St Helena
St Helena has partnered with Mindflight to use virtual reality to enhance teaching and learning. This week our Year 9 students had the opportunity to participate in a careers lesson using this amazing technology. Students were highly engaged and enthusiastic, and as educators we can see many potential applications of VR in the classroom.
Additional access to Psychological Services @ St Helena SC
St Helena Secondary College is pleased to be partnering with United Minds to increase access to Psychological services for our young people.
Provisional Psychologists from United Minds are now available to attend on site at St Helena Secondary College to complete (privately billed) Psychological Assessments.
Provisional Psychologists are able to complete assessments at around half the cost of a registered psychologist, making this option a lot more cost effective for our families. There is currently no waiting list, and referrals are now being accepted.
United Minds offer a comprehensive child, adolescent and adult assessment service. This includes:
- Cognitive/Giftedness assessments
- Educational Assessments
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessments
- ADHD Assessments
You can learn more about their service here
To self-refer, please complete the form This is to give United Minds an idea what assessments are needed, and so that they can provide accurate information. An estimate of the fees can be found here.
United Minds will then liaise with families and the school to coordinate appointments.
Counselling and therapeutic support: United Minds also have Provisional Psychologists available at their consulting rooms, available with very short wait times, for counselling support. No referral is required. These appointments are billed at $85 per hour (no Medicare rebate available).
Scholarship for Year 12 Vocational Major Students
We are delighted to announce an exciting opportunity for our graduating VCE VM students. The Rotary Club of Eltham has initiated a new scholarship in collaboration with St Helena Secondary College, which will be awarded annually to an exceptional VCE VM student as part of our ongoing partnership.
The Rotary Club of Eltham's commitment to supporting education and vocational pathways is demonstrated through this prestigious scholarship. Each year, one outstanding VCE VM student from the graduating class will be honoured with a scholarship award of $1000 dollars.
The recipient of this esteemed scholarship will have the opportunity to utilise the award towards resources that align with their vocational aspirations. These resources may include additional learning materials, professional courses, or any other essentials that contribute to their success in their chosen vocational path.
We encourage all VCE VM students to continue to apply their personal best in all aspects of the VCE VM program. The selection process will be based on academic achievements and dedication to vocational studies, with the top VCE VM student from the graduating class being the recipient of the award.
We extend our gratitude to the Rotary Club of Eltham for their exciting partnership and continuous support. Together, we hope to create opportunities that will positively impact the lives of our students and help them find success in their future endeavours.
St Helena's wonderful wildlife
Did you know that our grounds are teeming with wonderful native wildlife? Kookaburras, rosellas, corellas, cockatoos, galahs, magpies, tawny frogmouths and possums all call St Helena home, and our grounds reverberate with beautiful bird calls.
I completed my Wildlife Rescue training a couple of months ago and it was fitting that my first two rescues were here in our own school grounds. Just before the holidays, a student alerted us to a small ringtail possum that was asleep at the foot of its tree. I was able to contain the adolescent male and convey it to a wildlife carer. A few days of rehydration and TLC for bruised ribs (it possibly fell from its tree) meant it was able to be safely released back to its habitat. Students were invested in Rory the Ringtail's recovery, and it was great to let them know that he had a full recovery. Any wildlife that requires rescue and release must be released within 50 metres of where they are found by law. This little possum calls one of our trees home - although not the one where he was released as he very quickly let me know it was the wrong one by bouncing out of my grip and onto the next tree, where he was quick to shimmy up the trunk.
Students have been watching out for Kevin the Corella over the past couple of months. Kevin was spending a considerable time on the ground, not normal for a corella, and was separated from his flock. It became clear he was suffering from beak and feather disease, a highly contagious (to other birds), untreatable and fatal condition. The kindest thing was to contain Kevin and have him euthanised. Kevin, however, had other ideas and it was on the 12th attempt that we were able to contain him and convey him to the wonderful vets at the St Helena Veterinarian Clinic. Many students looked out for Kevin over the past weeks, and showed him great compassion and care. We were able to give him a peaceful end before he suffered greatly from this horrible virus.
Navigating School Refusal in Teens
Next date: Tuesday, 22 August 2023 | 07:00 PM to 08:30 PM
Join Jesuit Social Services to learn how to navigate school refusal in teens.
This online session will cover:
- Factors that may lead to school disengagement
- School-based strategies for re-engaging a young person with school
- External strategies to support a young person to re-engage with school
- Jesuit Social Services programs that support young people to re-engage with school
This session is for parents, carers and grandparents of teenagers.
Free Parent Webinars from Elevate Education
Wednesday 2nd August How to Help Get (& Keep) Your Child Motivated Click here to register for free
Here’s what Elevate will be covering on the night:
✅ What impact does praise and reassurance have on your child’s motivation?
✅ What are the best type of goals to be setting with your child?
✅ How can you help your child create meaningful and lasting motivation?