School Office News

August Census

The 2023 Non-Government Schools Census collection notice is now available below.


School Crossings

With child safety being a top priority at St Simon's, parents and students are reminded of the importance in following the directions of the Crossing Supervisors. To keep our St Simon's Community safe, it is particularly important to wait for the sound of the Crossing Supervisor's whistle before moving forward to cross the road. 

Spare Underwear & Socks

With Winter approaching and an increased number of rainy days, we kindly ask parents to ensure a spare pair of socks and underwear are packed in all students school bags. These items will be used after any slips or falls in the wet weather. 

Top Car Park

Just a friendly reminder that the car parking bays closest to the road (West side) are allocated for staff only

Parents and general visitors are most welcome to use the other car spaces. 

Signs will be refreshed shortly to indicate staff car park spaces. 

Thank you for your support and understanding with this matter. 

School Fees

Statements will continue to be emailed to families on a monthly basis, if you do not receive your statement please check your spam/junk folders alternatively contact the office at


Families can setup regular payments from your own bank account if you wish our bank details are as follows:- 


BSB 083347

Account 648897965


Please use the your family reference number found at the bottom of your statement and your surname when making payments.


If any family is under financial hardship please contact Tom on


Late Attendance

If children arrive at school after 8:50 am they must be signed in by their parent and take a Late Pass Card to give to their teacher. Parents can use their smartphone or the Ipad at the front office to do this. If using your smartphone, scan the QR code that says Front Desk. Failure to do this will possibly trigger an SMS to the Parent as an unexplained absence.

Thank you for your co-operation

School Absentee notification

If your child will not be attending school you must notify the office by 9.30am on the day they will be away. The preferred method is to use the Audiri App and the eform Absentee Form.

The other method is to ring the school office on 9755 4222 and choose option 1 to leave a message. Please do not send emails to teachers as they may be away or not be able to check their emails before the attendance roll is done.


An SMS will be sent to parents that have not advised the school. This is now a legal requirement.