From the Principal

Lalor North Seccondary College Music Program
On Monday 24 July we were treated to a performance from two of our Year 6 students who have been working with Lou from Lalor North Secondary College. Luise and Natale sang a song based on their voice lessons. Luise, Natale and Jessica also performed at the Lalor North Caberet Evening on Wednesday 19 July.
We are very lucky to have this partnership with Lalor North and thank them for providing this incredible opportunity for our students. We hope to have another performance later in the term from students who have been learning to play different brass instruments.
Our Choir travelled to Lalor North on Thursday 3 August to record with the songs they have been rehearsing this year. We can't wait to hear it!
Principal's Day
Friday 4 August was Principal's Day. Julie and I were very surprised with all the wonderful messages of appreciation the students created for us and the special morning tea the staff provided. I am extremely lucky to be the Principal of such an amazing school. One of the strengths of our students is their generous and loving hearts. They make me feel special every day I am at the school not just on Principal's Day. Thank you everyone for making Juie, Scott and I feel so loved!
Welcome to Justin Lania
We are very happy to welcome Justin to LEPS for the next four weeks. As you know, Scott and I have been having some health issues and are not able to work full time at the moment. Justin has joined our team to support the school during our absence. Julie Gatt will continue working at the school until the end of the year. Feel free to reach out to Julie or Justin during Scott's and my absence if you have any concerns. Scott and I can't wait till we are back at LEPS full time.
Milo the Monkey's Birthday
It was wonderful to spend some time with the Preps on Wedneday 9 August as they celebrated Milo the Monkey's Birthday. Who is Milo you may well ask? Great question!
Milo is the main character from the "Little Learners Love Literacy" phonics program we use with students learning to read. Each week the students are introduced to different letters and characters (Milo's friends) including Tim the Turtle, Cooper the Caterpillar, Queenie the Quail and Ben the Bear to name a few.
Wednesday's party was to celebrate the Preps completing their work related to all the letters of the alphabet. We played pin the tail on the Mio, made Milo masks, went on a scavenger hunt with the Year 5/6 Buddies and then enjoyed a picnic outside in the the gorgeous sunshine. It was a sensational day! Thanks to all the families for supporting the day by sending your child in costume or their best party clothes. Everyone looked incredible!
SWPBS Rewards
Hi! My name is Martin and I'm a student who spent my Focus on the Good points on being the Principal for 60 minutes. Some of the jobs I got to do were writing the newsletter, answering the phone and visiting classes. Being the principal was good fun. If you have enough points, I would recommend this reward. 😀
Scott Duncan and Linda Richards