Captains' Conference

Collaborative action on community building 

Student leaders from Year 7 through to Year 12 came together for Term 3 Captains Conference last week. The day was designed to give students time to work on actions and priorities for their sub-schools including Socials, fundraisers and Connect material for our classrooms. The following report by Brenna Stojcevski cover what was covered in middle school


"The captain’s conference was a huge success for middle school. Our year 9s and 10s worked on various projects over the course of the day, mainly focusing on the Year 9/10 dance, our Share the Dignity project, and our upcoming Year 9 assembly. Our Middle School leaders worked collaboratively and efficiently on the planning for the Year 9/10 dance, which we are very much looking forward to hosting in term 4! (With more details to be determined). Additionally, Northcote High School has volunteered to participate in a project made by organisation ‘Share the Dignity’, called Creating Period Pride. This competition entails spreading awareness about periods through creative mediums. This can be through videos, artworks, writing etc. NHS is absolutely thrilled to be part of this and would love for any student interested participating in the competition to let us know! The Middle School student team was thrilled to be able to work together on these projects and look forward to the next Captains Conference. "


~Brenna S, Year 10

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