Kitchen Garden - 

3/4S, 3/4H

3/4S enjoyed their first session of the Kitchen Garden program on Wednesday. 

They spent the afternoon in the garden, harvesting produce for their cooking session this Friday. 

They also created some garden acrostic poems, searching for things in the garden that begin with each letter of their name. 

It was a great way to familiarise themselves with the garden space. 

Last Friday, 3/4 H had their 4th session in the garden. 

In small groups, they worked together, planting brown onions and lettuce, created a new bedding layer in each of the worm farms to cater for their expanding worm families, emptied a compost bin and spread the compost around the plants in the food forest garden, harvested cauliflowers and broccolis for 3/4S’s cooking session on Friday and cut down 2 citrus trees which, unfortunately, died from the graft and only the root stock stems were growing (root stock stems won’t produce fruit). 

Another busy, but enjoyable afternoon spent in the garden.