Aoife's Message

Hello Holy Cross families,


I had the pleasure of meeting with many of our 2024 Prep children this week. There's nothing quite like the mixture of excitement, nerves and anticipation of children who are joining our school. So many questions, wonderings and tales of likes and dislikes were shared. We can't wait to have you all join our Holy Cross community. 



Thank you to our Year Four families who joined us for our Family Sacramental Evening this week. As our children, families and teachers prepare for this special sacrament we pray that you experience the peace of Jesus in your lives.  


Prep 100 Days!

Our Prep area was full of excitement yesterday morning, with many wise little people showing up to school to partake in a very lovely morning tea along with some 'old-fashioned' games. Thank you to Kellie for organising our special celebration.  We are very proud of our Prep children, they have spent 100 days bringing us joy, we can't wait for next 100! 


Welcome to our community

This week we welcomed Miranda VanGronigen into Year 1A. Miranda is a pre-service teacher who will be working with Jodie for the next seven weeks. We also recently welcomed some new students, Grace & Cooper Heyfron and Jessie Utting. We hope you will all be very happy at our school.


Wishing everyone a relaxing weekend, 
