From the  Principal 

Karen Roberts

I cannot believe we have started semester 2! How quickly the time flies, especially when I continue learning about Carnegie primary school and its community. I’m still feeling privileged and honoured to be leading such an amazing place of learning and achievement. We are succeeding in our endeavour of taking care of and educating our young children. We will continue striving to ensure ‘every child has a great day every day’, ensuring their safety, happiness, connectedness and achievement. There are some amazing results with room for continued improvement and growth. We are all so very proud of our work.

We have an amazing group of student volunteers who continue to spend their free time cleaning the yard. Schools become littered quickly, especially form discarded rubbish. Here are 2 of our students showcasing our core value “RESPECT”.

We really appreciate their efforts.



We had another wonderfully successful Working Bee where our fantastic “Fathering Project’ volunteers worked together to distribute soft fall and sand to our school playgrounds.

A special thankyou to our coordinators Joel Pollard and Alan Cook who were assisted by a team of student helpers. Families represented included:  Zuluaga, Wilsmore, Jung, Glasscock, Stacey, Windle, Ericksen, Jaurigue, 

Chennuri and Matthieson. There were others who also contributed on the day. Thanks Amanda Miller for offering the team their OHS induction.

Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Our school grounds are looking well cared for and remain safe for our precious community.


Congratulations to Kokaribb House for their recent Rewards Day! After enjoying a scrumptious pizza lunch, our lively house came together for an afternoon filled with exciting games and plenty of fun. It was a wonderful chance for our students to strengthen their bonds and relax. We extend our best wishes to all the houses for a fantastic upcoming term!



We have scheduled our Curriculum Day for Wednesday 9th August. Students will not attend school on this day. Youth Leadership Victoria will run a program on this day.


Karen and I would like to invite interested parents to the staffroom for a cuppa and a chat on Monday 7th August following our Monday morning assembly.  At this time, we are available to answer general questions, further discuss our school programs and practices, our goals and priorities and our hopes for the future.


Ahead of NAPLAN results for students being released from Monday 17 July 2023, I’m writing to inform you of some changes to this year’s reporting. These are changes being introduced nationally by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).

NAPLAN will continue to measure student achievement in numeracy, reading, writing, spelling, and grammar and punctuation but the results will now be presented in 4 proficiency levels:

These are:

· exceeding

· strong

· developing

· needs additional support.

This change will give schools, parents and carers clearer information that details student achievement against new proficiency levels.

Students’ NAPLAN reports will continue to show how they are tracking against their peers and provide an indication of their skill levels against national averages and where we would expect them to be in order to get the most out of schooling. This provides valuable information to teachers about how we can continue to support your child.

Each set of NAPLAN results is an important milestone but it’s also important that students know that one result does not define them – these results are about making sure every student gets the support they need so they can continue to get the best from their learning.

When we provide you with your results, you will also receive information about what the new proficiency levels mean.

As ever, you’re welcome to speak to me, or your child’s teacher with any questions about these changes.



Student led Conferences will be held on Wednesday 26tth July. Parents will once again be able to select a suitable time via our online booking platform. Further information will be sent to all families shortly. 

All students will play a role in their interviews. At Carnegie Primary School we aim to give our students increasing responsibility and ownership for their learning so they can develop into independent, life-long learners. We strongly believe one of the best ways we can involve the students in their own learning is to have them conduct and participate in a ‘Student-Led Conference’

A ‘Student-Led Conference’ is an authentic way to encourage the students to take responsibility for their own learning, actions and decisions.  This process also demonstrates to the students that we positively support their learning and acknowledges the value we place on their views and the respect we have for their opinions.  It also demonstrates that, together, we will support their learning and celebrate their achievements.


If you are intending on your child commencing Prep next year at Carnegie Primary School, we are now accepting Enrolment Applications! We request that the Enrolment Forms and supporting documents are dropped into the office as soon as possible - even if you just verbally let us know now about a sibling planning on commencing Prep next year so that we may begin our planning of classes and staffing for 2024.

Enrolment forms and the process can be found on our website. If you require any further information on enrolling your child, please do not hesitate to drop into the office, call on 9571 2662 and we will happily answer your queries.


Do you know if you will be exiting the school at any point this year? Please send us an email at Knowing this information in advance will assist the school with planning, budgets and staffing. Your plans do not have to be set in concrete, just a heads up of your future intentions will do. Again, this helps us with planning classes and staffing for 2024.