Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

A focus on mental health and wellbeing


As we progress well into Term 3, we understand learners can be feeling overwhelmed with SACs, assessment tasks and preparation for future exams. We would like to take a moment to focus on the importance of mental health and wellbeing amongst the young people in our College community at this time.


Our overall health is not just about physical fitness; it encompasses your social/emotional and psychological wellbeing too. At St Joseph’s College, we care about each and every learner, and we want to ensure they have the tools and strategies to support themselves to navigate the challenges that may come their way.


Mental health affects the way in which we think, feel and act. It influences and has an impact on the way we handle stress, build relationships, and make decisions. Our young people juggle a lot: academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, social life, and personal growth. Sometimes, it can feel overwhelming, and that's completely fine. It is important to remember that no one is alone on this journey.


Our College is committed to promoting a positive and inclusive environment for all. We offer various resources to support our learners' mental health, such as: Learning Mentors, House Leaders, Directors of Campus’ and counselling services. Our skilled personnel are available to listen and provide guidance on personal, social, and academic needs and concerns as required.


We were fortunate as a whole staff, to engage with the Berry Street Education Model at our Professional Learning on Tuesday 1 August. We were encouraged to look at our practice through a trauma-informed lens and we were able to take away many different strategies to support our learners in the classroom and beyond. This will be ongoing professional learning for our staff and we look forward to sharing more with learners and families throughout the year.


Taking care of our mental health is not a one-time task; it is ongoing. Together, let's cultivate and nurture a culture of compassion, understanding, and support. Please reach out, lend a hand, and remember that help is always available. 


Mental health matters to us, and we're here for our community each and every step of the way.


If you are in need of support please contact



Jarrod O'Brien

Director - Kildare Campus