Principal's Message

It is that time of year again when I begin my prep interviews for 2024. Each year just before I start my prep interviews, I always investigate other options instead of individual interviews as they take up so much time and effort. I actually even complained to Denise and Elise about why do I do them!


However, as I start my  2024 prep interviews - all 43 of them!,  it dawns on me, why I do them.


It’s a really uplifting experience. 


It reminds me why I’m in education and it motivates me to be a better leader, team member and person. 


Talking to the young parents about their dreams and hopes for their child and trying to have a conversation with these bright eyed 4/5 year olds is a rewarding experience. Every family is so keen to share their story and eager to ‘show off’ their beautiful child and all their interests.  


It is also a perfect opportunity for me to promote our school, as I get to talk about how dedicated and hardworking our staff are and how engaged and motivated our students are in their learning. I give them a snapshot of what our learning looks like at SMDP.


One of the questions I always ask is “why have you chosen SMDP?


The feedback I hear is a reflection of our shared vision. They tell me that they have heard, "It’s a really good school, that there are great teachers and that the students are well behaved."


There is also this overwhelming sense of them wanting to belong to something and be connected to their child’s educational journey.


Once again, we as a learning community are building together a special place of education. I know, it’s not always perfect, we have our ups and downs, it's hard work but when I experience something like our prep interviews, it makes it all so worth it.


Finally, I've told Denise and Elise that if I start complaining this time next year about prep interviews to just ignore me.

OUR STUDENTS ARE AT RISK - Important Traffic Management 

I was on after school carpark duty this week and it seemed so many of our parents have forgotten our traffic management rules that ensure all our students get home safely.


SMDP is different from many other schools as so many of our students arrive and leave each day by car. Very few students walk or ride home. Therefore, it is vital to follow our traffic management rules, especially at pick up time, to keep our students safe. 


Our drive through “Pick Up” system works very well when everybody follows the rules. However when parents don't, it becomes disruptive, unsafe and puts our students at risk.  


If the car park is full or the lineup of cars trying to enter the school is too long, I strongly suggest that parents park in Pearce or Campbell streets. You then can meet your child/ren at the gate and this will be much easier than waiting in a long queue. 

Other important reminders:

  • No right hand turns in or out of the school.
  • School Car Park - Only park in the spaces provided. Do not park in unlined areas. If the car park is full you must park in Pearce or Campbell streets. 
  • The staff car park (to the left on entry) is a no parking zone for parents and carers between 8am and 4pm to ensure student safety and effective traffic management. 
  • Do not use the car exit and entrances for foot traffic. The pedestrian gates at each end of the carpark is the much safer option to walk your children out. 
  • Do not park in the ‘no standing’ areas opposite our school, as this significantly disrupts the flow of traffic. 

Thanks to the parents who follow our traffic management system every day. You are the role models to your children and to others that we value student safety.  


Have a great weekend.

God bless


Dan Ryan




St Martin de Porres Primary School is committed to creating an environment where the safety, wellbeing, and participation of all children within our care is paramount. 

2023 - School Closure Days

Listed below are our school closure days for 2023. These are student-free days. Staff use these days to develop their learning further and keep informed with current practices and procedures. 



Monday 6th November

Report Preparation and Writing Day

Friday 8th December

Planning day for 2024

NOTE: These dates may be subject to change that may be outside of our control.