Senior School News

Years 9 and 10 Photography, Digital Media and Visual Arts, 'Q' Station Excursion

‘I aint afraid of no ghosts’ were the intrepid words coming out of the mouths of Years 9 and 10PDM and Visual Arts students prior to experiencing the ghost tracker tour at the Quarantine station on North Head. The area is reputed to be one of Australia’s most haunted sites, with stories of ghosts and paranormal occurrences entwined throughout its history. Could there really be any better choice for an excursion that could totally engage and inspire our stage 5 cohort in their own artmaking practice? As the darkness descended over Q Station’s historic buildings, the burial ground and empty pathways, the time soon came to encounter the ghosts of the site. With their EFT meters at the ready, students visited the Grave Diggers cottage, shower block and the hospital.  Stories were told, cupboards rattled and opened on their own accord. Physical sensations such as coldness and hairs standing on end and sightings of figures are just some of the thing’s students encountered along with a few jump scares.


With the rich pickings provided from this experience Visual Arts students will now complete a print making and drawing unit based on history and memory and the Photography and Digital Media students will plan and script short films using the School site after hours to shoot around the theme of ghost stories.


We cannot wait to see what these students produce.

Years 7-12 Tabletop Gaming-Reminder

Tabletop Gaming begins this Friday. 


It will be held in N13/N15 after school on Fridays.


Please bring along a game if you would like to share.


If you have any board games for ages 10 and up that you no longer need, donations to the gaming supply cupboard are very welcome.


Gamesmasters/mistresses for RPG games are very much needed, so if you have been thinking about exploring this type of gaming please come along.


Finishes at 5pm sharp.


For any questions please see Mrs O’Sullivan.