Student of The Week Awards 

Congratulations to all our SOTW Award Recipients!

Monday 14 August, 2023 - for Week 5


Student Name

For Demonstrating

Award Details


Jack Brinkworth 


Jack is being recognised for the extra effort he has put into his learning this week. As soon as he sits on the floor, Jack has been focussed and ready to learn, not letting any distractions get in his way. He has even started putting up his hand to answer questions in front of his peers. You have been a classroom superstar this week Jack! Keep it up! 


Thevgan Kumaran


A love of Learning and Teamwork

Congratulations to Thevgan for demonstrating a Love of Learning and Teamwork in Foundation E. He always displays positivity in our classroom and is ready to learn with an enthusiastic attitude. Thevgan also encourages his peers in the classroom by showing kindness and engaging in teamwork. Well done, Thevgan!


Kai Bloomfield


Kai is a wonderful class member in Foundation K. He shows an amazing sense of curiosity in all the things he learns about. Kai showed great interest in our class discussion about Loch Ness and whether Nessy is a myth or real. Well done, Kai!


Dylan Godsall


Dylan demonstrated curiosity when approaching Maths tasks last week. He made connections with his prior learning and applied complex strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. Dylan always embraces the opportunity to challenge himself and it’s been great to see how proud he is of his achievements. Keep up the great work Dylan!


Raffaela Germano

Love of Learning

Raffi always works extremely hard to produce her best work and contribute to all class discussions.  During one of our writing lessons last week she did a wonderful job identifying boundary punctuation and  explaining why they are important elements of a sentence. 

Great job Raffi, keep up the fantastic worl!


Aidan Naghsh


Aidan has shown a tremendous effort in learning the Year Two concert number this week. Due to being away, he had missed our early rehearsals and he has taken it upon himself to learn all the dance steps and has been absolutely shining in practise. I look forward to seeing his efforts demonstrated for all to see at our upcoming concert!


Georgia Holding


Georgia has shown incredible leadership, through her demonstration of focus and perseverance when rehearsing the Grade 2 concert number. She is always willing to help others with the choreography and works hard to ensure the performance is of a high standard. 


Madeleine Wakefield


Madeleine has shown incredible leadership, through her demonstration of focus and perseverance when rehearsing the Grade 2 concert number. She is always willing to help others with the choreography and works hard to ensure the performance is of a high standard. 


Lola Nuttall


Congratulations to Lola for demonstrating bravery and resilience. She has approached all classroom and school activities with confidence and enthusiasm even though she has a broken arm. Lola looks for creative and “out of the box” ways to participate and complete class tasks.


Hudson Soifer


Hudson is a considerate and thoughtful member of 3M. He gets along with everyone and goes out of his way to help and encourage his classmates whenever possible. Thank you for spreading your incredible kindness and making our classroom a happier place Hudson. We are so lucky to have such a caring friend in 3M this year!


Mila Zuban-Smith

A Love of Learning

Mila has been an active participant during our novel study of Amari and the Night Brothers. It has been wonderful to see her hand shooting up to join in our class discussions. She has been able to use evidence from the text to support her responses, even using quotes from the text. Amazing effort Mila!




Zac Khan


Zac has been working diligently on his beautiful handwriting and the improvement in his bookwork is remarkable. Congratulations, Zac!




Jess Aldous

A Love of Learning

Jess has shown great enthusiasm during our recent reading sessions and made fantastic contributions to the class discussion. She loves the opportunity to read the class novel aloud to the class and is always one of the first to put her hand up to volunteer.



Mila Muscat


Mila is a ray of sunshine and we love having her in 5L! She consistently shows kindness to her friends and peers and is always making us laugh. Mila works wonderfully in class and in the yard, including everyone and doing her best to make everyone happy! You’re awesome Mila!


Noah McCartney

Kindness/A Love of Learning

During our Writer’s Notebook session, Noah was very excited to share his interesting ideas for different text types, genres and titles. Noah consistently demonstrates respect and kindness in all his interactions with both his fellow students and teachers. He can often be seen checking in with his friends and asking them if they are ok. Well done Noah and continue to be the empathetic and enthusiastic student you are!


Harrison King


During our Champions of Earth lesson last week, Harrison continued to develop his solution for overfishing. He showed creativity and responsiveness as he adapted his initial design based on feedback received. Harrison’s willingness to modify his approach is commendable and highlights his growth mindset.