Learning and Teaching

STM is a Dyslexia Aware School
Last week our school was recognised by the Australian Dyslexia Association as a Dyslexia Aware School. Our school began this journey in 2021, and means that many of our teaching staff have completed or are undertaking intensive training and study in Multisensory Structured Language (MSL). MSL focuses on simultaneously engaging the visual, auditory and kinesthetic-tactile senses to aid memory and learning of written language.
MSL is an approach to teaching that uses direct and explicit instruction and includes evidence-based practices from a vast body of scientific reading research, known as the Science of Reading. Students experience evidence-based instruction in the six essential components of reading and literacy - oral language, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary (including morphology) and comprehension. In addition, the explicit and structured nature of MSL instruction supports the development of spelling and writing.
Whilst MSL is essential for some students, especially students with a learning difference such as dyslexia or dysgraphia, it enriches and enhances the learning of all learners by deepening their understanding of our English language.
We are very proud of of our teachers for their efforts, enthusiasm and ongoing commitment to their professional learning which benefits our students' learning.
Thank you
A big THANK YOU to Bernice Mahoney and Emily Atkinson who have helped assemble and collate decodable readers for students to use at home and school. This is a huge task, and we appreciate their time and support in assisting us. If you think you may be able to lend a hand, please let me know at dgeorge@smbelgrave.catholic.edu.au
NAPLAN assessments will be held on various day from Wednesday 15 March to Monday 27 March. The tests assess skills that students are learning through the school curriculum such as reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy.
We use the data received from NAPLAN to map student progress over time which supports us to identify strengths and weaknesses in teaching programs. This helps us to set goals for ongoing and future improvements in curriculum and teaching practice. Parents and carers also receive results from their child's NAPLAN assessment which allows them to see how their child is progressing against national standards and over time.
We are currently in the process of organising additional supports and adjustments for some of our students who meet the criteria set out by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Adjustments may include additional time, support person, reading of questions (where applicable), support of scribe or assistive technology (speech to text) and rest breaks. Classroom teachers are aware of students who will need these additional supports, as these are planned by the teacher as part of the classroom learning program or a student's personalised learning plan.
Parents may decide for their child to be withdrawn or exempt from some or all assessments. Please send any request for NAPLAN exemptions in writing to Declan or myself, so we can arrange the necessary paperwork to support your decision.
Please reach out if you have any questions or wish to discuss this further. A Parent and Carer Information Sheet was sent home a couple of weeks ago and a copy has been attached below.