From the Principal

Project Compassion:
School Closure Day:
Tomorrow the school will be closed as the staff are undertaking a Professional Learning Day. Dance with Jael will still take place, this will start at 9:30am and be held in the hall.
Mrs George is going to Perth:
We are very fortunate that MACS have seen the work we are doing in our reading program (MSL) and have reached out to our school to send one of our leaders to a Science of Learning conference in Perth. Mrs George will be going on our behalf. It is a wonderful opportunity to share with others our successes and maybe pick up some new things to try.
On Monday we welcome Fergie, a seven year old Golden Retriever to school. Fergie will be working in the office 1 day per week (not decided the day yet). We are aware some students are not overly fond of dogs, which is why there is policy and procedure in place around animals in schools. Please see the "Bailey Policy" under the "Important information" tab of the newsletter.
School Fees:
Families should now have indicated how they are planning on paying fees in 2023. Fee income is an important part of making sure the school runs smoothly. If you have not spoken to Tarnia yet, please make this a priority. We have countless payment options for families.
Fee statement for non-concession families will be sent out this afternoon or early next week.
This week we welcomed Fenella D'Cruz onto staff. Fenella will be working in our 4/5 class on Thursday and Friday. I know the community will all make her feel very welcome.
3/4 Camp Logistics at school:
We have a very busy at work with staff on camp and away for various reasons, this means we need some flexible thinking. While the 3/4's are away our Year 2 students will join in activities with our P/1 class with Mrs Piaser and our Year 5's from our 4/5 class will be supervised by Ms Fenella and Mr Mc (lucky them).
Footy Tipping:
Now the important stuff!!!!
Community Footy tipping for 2023. Follow the link:
No More School Stream:
As per my communication last week, we will no longer be using School Stream to send information to parents. All information will now go directly to your emails through our Operoo system. Please make sure your details are up to date, all student profiles can have multiple email addresses linked and all parties will receive information. Reminder if you need to add a second person to the profile, this is something that you can do. Follow the link below for more parent help. Operoo has a sweep of tools designed to help parents navigate the platform.
Please see the link for more help:
District Swimming:
Congratulations to the 18 students who represented our school at the recent District Swimming Carnival at the Belgrave Pool. They represented our school with pride and showed excellent sportsmanship.
A special mention to Adam Meese who progressed through to the Divisional Round which will take place next Friday and Croydon Pool.
Thanks to Mrs Wicks for preparing us and completing all of the admin tasks to make sure we were there. Also thank you to Emily Atkinson and Sharna Parker for helping with timekeeping on the day.
Japanese class with Sensei Bawden:
Last month in Japanese class, we learned about the annual festival in Japan, Setsubun or the Bean Throwing Festival marks the beginning of spring. The word setsubun means “changing of the seasons”. When seasons change, people are at their most vulnerable to flu, colds, or other ailments. The rituals for the festival of Setsubun are meant to purge one's house and surroundings of all bad things (which we thought were caused by oni 'demon') and to keep disease and misfortune at bay. Students made Oni with origami paper and learned how to overcome or defeat misfortune by throwing beans during this festival. However, instead of throwing beans, we practiced picking up beans with chopsticks and it is the first time they used chopsticks in class. Here are some snapshots for the first Japanese lesson for our Japanese class. We also learned about the year of rabbits "うさぎどし(usagi doshi)". People born in a year of the Rabbit (which includes 2023, 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927) are believed to be vigilant, witty, quick-minded, and ingenious.
Bawden Sensei (Japanese Teacher)
Caritas Australia
Caritas is an organisation that works to make a difference for some of the most vulnerable people in our world. This year we are focusing on Africa where 18 million people are facing severe hunger from the ongoing drought.
As Social Justice Leaders we are asking our fellow students to take up the challenge of finding ways that they can earn enough money to go towards purchasing a chicken. Maybe they could do an extra job around the house to earn a gold coin. Each chicken costs $7 which would help set up a farming community in Africa.
A huge thank you to those who have already donated towards money for this worthy cause.
At the moment our total is $51.15c Your generosity is helping these people create a sustainable future for themselves, their families and their communities.
Together we can work towards creating a future of hope and dignity for all in our world.
Social Justice Leaders
Mason Johnson & Will Smith
Game on Recycling:
Well done everyone. Last year we recycled 61.7kg of old sports equipment.
Sibling Enrolment Forms:
Last week we sent Enrolment packs home to those families who we believe have children (siblings) attending prep next year. If this is the case, please fill out the forms and return them to the office by April. Any questions please see Ash in the office.
The start of the school year always brings new problems and things to consider, one thing I have noticed in the carpark (both drop off in the morning, and also the community car park) is parents and community members not following directions. In the morning there is to be NO OVERTAKING. This includes cars who are driving to park and walk their children into school. In the afternoon, the carpark rules in the Woolworths/Library carpark are to be adhered to, this also means parents MUST use the crossing when walking their children across the road. We also strongly ask parents to walk up to the school to collect their children rather than asking the children to cross over the crossing.
Commitment to Child Safety:
Please see attached the CECV's (Catholic Education Commission of Victoria) commitment to Child Safety in schools. Each school must have a range of measures in place to meet the 11 Child Safety Standards.
HATS: We are a SUNSMART school
Hats are to be worn during play times during terms 1 and 4. If a student is not wearing a school hat they will be asked to play in the shade. Year 6 students can wear their baseball caps on Wednesday's, but must wear the normal wide brim hat on all other days. In Term 4, Year 6 students are able to wear the Baseball cap everyday.
2023 Tuition Fees & Levies:
Please note there is an error on this form. The 3/4 camp is $350 and the 5/6 camp will be $210. The main reason for this is the 3/4 camp is a 3 day, 2 night camp which requires buses for transportation and the 5/6 city camp is only a 2 day, 1 night camp and the train is used to transport students.
Thank you, take care and God Bless