University Connections and High Achievers Programs

University of Tasmania Connections Programs (UCP) 

In some subjects, students can access units offered by the University of Tasmania.  This program is a  partnership between the University of Tasmania, Tasmanian Schools and the Office of Tasmanian Assessment Standards and Certification (TASC) and  provides a unique opportunity for year 11 and 12 students to undertake introductory university units specifically designed for senior secondary students. Further information about the program is available on the University of Tasmania website. In most cases, these subjects can be counted towards the ATAR score. 


High Achiever Programs (HAP)

Under the High Achiever program, students enrol in a separate university subject, leading to a university qualification. In this case, the subject can also be counted towards the ATAR score. Applications for this program must be submitted to the University of Tasmania by late December, 2023 and late applications will not be considered. Students should consult this link  for more information. If you are interested, contact Jane Morrison for further details.