From the Principal's Desk

NAPLAN 2023 - Years 3 and 5 - 15-24 March

Just a reminder that NAPLAN assessments will be conducted online in 2023, with the exception for Year 3 students who will hand write their writing task.  The tasks will be completed from Wednesday 15-24 March 2023 at school. Please contact me at the school if you have any questions regarding your child's participation in the assessments.

Year 6 Leaders Workshop

Next Friday, our Year 6 students will be attending a leadership workshop and Thalgarrah Environmental Edcuation Centre.  The program will provide opporunities for our students to engage with other school leaders from local schools and learn about how to make changes in their local setting.  Thank you to Erica and Matt Peterson for transporting our students to and from the event!

Welcome to Georgia Brown

As you are aware, Jess Fortescue will commence leave from Monday 13th March. We welcome Miss Georgia Brown to our school who will replace Mrs Fortescue while she is on maternity leave.  Miss Brown brings lots of experience and enthusiasm and will continue providing wonderful opportunities for our students in K-2.  I would also like to take this opportunity to wish Mrs Fortescue all the very best and we look forward to meeting the new additon to her family soon!  All the best Jess and welcome Georgia!

Assembly Next Friday 17th March

I welcome everyone to our next assembly on Friday 17th March from 2.20pm.   Everyone is most welcome to join us.

Vegetable Garden Panting - Out of Uniform Day

This Friday, we invite all students (and staff) to wear old, working clothes as we will be planting our winter vegetable garden.  Students are welcome to also bring a small shovel and some gloves if they have them.  School uniform is not required. Hats are a MUST!

North West Swimming Carnival

All the best to Abby Peterson and Naomi Miller on qualifying to compete at the North West Swimming Carnival in Armidale on Monday.  What a fantastic achievement girls!

Year 6 into 7 Expression of Interest

Next week, all students in Year 6 will receive an Expression of Interest for Year 7 information booklet with information on how to commence the process of enrolling in high school in 2024.  The information booklet provides information for parents to indicate where their child/children will be enrolling in Year 7.  The process can be completed online of by using the paper version.  Please contact Anne or myself if you need some assistance in completing the information.   


Cross Country

We will join with our Thunderbolt Small Schools on Friday 31st March (Week 10) at UNE for our 2023 cross country event.  All students took home a note this week asking for permission to practice running along the walking track between the school and the Diggings bushfire shed.  Please complete and return this by Friday as we are commencing this program from Monday as part of some of our PE lessons.

School Uniforms

We have a large number of good quality, pre-loved items in stock including school jumpers and jackets.

These are kept at the office so please drop in and have a look anytime.

All items are $5 each.

Attendance Matters!

We have set our school a target to achieve 90% attendance, 90% of the time for 2023. 

Can you help us do this? Can you make appointments or attend extra curricular activities outside school hours?  Coming to school each day between 9:00am and leaving at 3pm is just a simple way we can achieve this together. Thanks in anticipation of your support!




Have a great fortnight!


Brad Hunt
