Connect: Year 6

Welcome back to Term 2!

Grade six students have made a great start back at school. We are looking forward to a wonderful term.

Key Dates


 WARATAH BEACH CAMP - Wednesday 17th May- Friday 19th May

The Next Fortnight of Learning


Over the next two weeks, we will be exploring and studying fractions. We will also be completing an open-ended task that focuses on perimeter and area.

Mathletics is an excellent resource that give students the opportunity to consolidate and self-direct their learning. Students are welcome to access Mathletics at home to practice their mathematical skills and fluency. 



In reading, we are practising making connections with our own experiences, other texts that we have read and with our everyday lives.  This very important skill increases comprehension.

We will be studying procedural texts and how they are structured.  We will be using the knowledge that we have learnt through the upcoming weeks to write our own procedural piece of writing.



This term our inquiry unit is called, Museums in Motion. We will begin our term unit looking at how European Settlement has influenced and dramatically changed so many aspects of our ancient land.



Our Term 2 topic for Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships is Help Seeking. During this unit students will learn to identify communication skills that enhance peer support and help-seeking. They will participate in activities to identify situations and types of problems they can solve independently and those where they can benefit from seeking help from others such as friends or adults and identify a list of trusted people to seek out when needing help. 


  • Camp is coming up. Please make sure you have returned a filled out a medical form for your child and have had a look at the equipment and packing guide.
  • Please remember to pack a snack, lunch and drink bottle for our excursion to PROJECT MAGNIFY.