Connect: Year 5

Welcome to Term Two and our new online newsletter :)

Key dates - Year 5

  • STEAM Excursion, Moorabbin Airport Museum: Tuesday, 2nd of May
  • House Cross Country: Friday, 5th of May
  • District Cross Country: Monday, 22nd of May
  • Winter Lightning Prem: Friday, 16th of June
  • Arts Centre Melbourne: Thursday, 22nd of June

The Next Fortnight of Learning


Over the next few weeks students will be immersing themselves in non fiction texts, specifically Information Reports. They will identify features specific to these types of texts and explain how they help in their understanding of what they have read. Students will have an opportunity to research a topic of interest and make their own Information Report that they will share with the Preps.



Over the next few weeks students will be focusing on fractions and decimals in their mathematics learning. Within this topic students will practise reading, ordering and comparing fractions and decimals numbers. They will explore the use of number lines, identify equivalent fractions and how fractions can be represented in a variety of ways.


We will also be investigating 3D objects as part of our mathematics learning. Students will practise naming 3D objects and their properties (edges, faces and vertices). 



This term students will be following a unit of learning titled 'Think Global, Act Local'. To begin students will be learning about the natural world, and how we as humans are changing it. There will be a specific focus on sustainability within this unit of learning, as students begin to learn about what sustainability means and what we can do in our everyday lives to care for the world around us. We look forward to sharing our learning throughout the term as we grow in our understanding together. 



Over the next two weeks students will continue exploring the Zones of Regulation, specifically how recognising emotions in others helps us to collaborate effectively. 

We will also be investigating our own personal character strengths and strengths we admire in others. This will give students the chance to celebrate things that make them who they are and set goals on traits they wish to improve. 


  • Sausage Sizzle on Monday 1st May
  • Please remember to pack a snack, lunch and drink bottle for our excursion to PROJECT MAGNIFY on Tuesday, 2nd of May

Celebration of Learning

150th Anniversary Celebrations 


Thank you to all the families that came along to support our Year 5 stall at last term's 150th celebrations. We were overwhelmed with the generosity and the amount of chocolate donated towards our stall. We are very proud to share that our stall was very successful and raised almost $500 for our school community! 

Mathematics Learning - Length

During a recent maths activity students were asked to make

 predictions on questions such as;

'Which would be longer, two of your arm spans or ten of your feet placed end to end?'

'Is your wingspan the same as your height?'

'Is the length of your forearm the same as your foot?' 

Once they had made predictions and recorded them in their maths workbook students used various measuring tools to investigate the problems. 

This task required students to estimate and measure accurately, make reasonable predictions and convert units of measurement i.e. 167cm = 1.67m