Connect: Year 2

Welcome to Term 2

We are so impressed with the way the Grade 2 students have come back to school this term and are super excited for what's ahead! Check out what is coming up below...

Key Dates

Wednesday 10th May - Junior Sports Day (students wear house colours)

The Next Fortnight of Learning


Students will be continuing their work on being active readers by predicting, inferring, visualising and understanding author's purpose. They will explore and practise this through our mentor text 'The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore.' Students will be building on their descriptive writing from Term 1 to write narratives beginning with sizzling starts to capture their audience's attention.



Over the next two weeks, students will be exploring ordering and expanding three digit numbers. They will also be developing a deeper understanding of 2D shapes and the impact flips, slides and turns can have.



The Grade 2 students will become budding scientists this term as we begin our new Inquiry unit, Stimulating Science. We will begin by provoking their thinking around the concept of change, as well as getting an initial understanding of what they believe Science to be. They will be introduced to two new Habits of Mind- Questioning and Posing Problems and Gathering Data Through All the Senses.



Our Term 2 topic for Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships is Help Seeking. During this unit students will learn to identify ways to care for others, including ways of making and keeping friends, they will practise solving simple interpersonal problems and discuss the importance of seeking help when dealing with problems that are too big solve alone. 


  • Please ensure reader satchels are sent to school each day.
  • Sausage Sizzle on Monday 1st May.
  • If possible, please send your child to school with a water bottle as leaving for the drink taps is a big distraction to classroom learning.

A Celebration of Learning

The Grade 2's have been exploring creative responses to literature for a fun creative Friday. Check out The Cranky Bear collection work from the end of last term. Stay tuned to see our upcoming celebrations of learning in this space for the upcoming term.