2 weeks in pictures!

By Ms Reynolds

Can you believe it's been 19 days back at school?!?

So much has happened in such a short amount of time - students, staff and families have settled into routines and the year is racing on. Yesterday I had some visiting principals come to work with us, and, as I showed them around the school and popped into classrooms, I noticed how focused students were and how productive the learning was. Kids are playing well at break-times and working hard in class. What a lovely place to be!

We've also had a lot of work done around the school on our facilities - have you seen the new running track? the painted classrooms? the new concrete surface and seating??

And... photos of our staff... please scroll:

Join us on Monday for our special assembly - induction of our student leaders and Gold Badge. 9am in the Hall Monday 27/2.

And finally - come and meet other parents at our P&C meeting...