Year 5 News

The Year 5 teachers are very proud of the productive and positive start to the 2023 school year.
We have jumped straight into developing respectful relationships and creating clear, shared expectations for our approaches to learning and learning spaces.
We have shared some collaborative discussions regarding appropriate behaviours in the yard in order to establish safe and harmonious play areas.
The Year 5 teachers are looking forward to getting to know each student more as the term progresses.
We are very proud of the Year 5 students embracing the responsibility of being a ‘Prep Buddy’. The students have done an amazing job, welcoming their buddies to the school, aiding the preps through school life and taking care of them during lunch and recess.
It is delightful to see the different generations of children develop these special bonds of friendship.
Unit of Inquiry
For our Unit of Inquiry, students have been learning how to be open minded and accepting of the different perspectives which influence the way we treat each other, examining stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination.
Students are currently creating persuasive texts using effective and structured writing techniques in order to convince their audience of a particular argument/topic. This will prepare them for a Literacy Writing Learning Task to be completed in the coming weeks.
Homework & Diary
We remind parents to read and sign the Homework and Diary Guidelines outlined in your child’s homework book.
Homework expectations have been clearly communicated and discussed with students. We appreciate your ongoing support in monitoring your child’s homework and reading.