Year 3 News

The Daily 5
The students have been working on different elements of the Daily 5 each day. We have been focussing mainly on reading stamina.
The elements of the Daily 5 are:
- Read to Self
- Read To Someone
- Work on Words
- Work on Writing
- Listen to Reading
In Maths we have been working on place value and addition strategies. The students enjoyed hands on activities to further consolidate their understanding of place value and are learning some games to build on their automatic recall for addition such as the Michael Minas game "From Here to There".
Our first unit of inquiry ‘Who we are’ focusses on positive relationships. Our central idea is, 'Positive relationships contribute to a harmonious community'.
The students have worked both independently and in cooperative groups to find out what makes a harmonious community. They created a class essential agreement, used a variety of thinking tools to prioritise the characteristics of a good friend and have discussed the importance of rules in creating a harmonious community.
We have also focussed on the book, Sunday Chutney by Aaron Blabey, to further develop empathy and respect for each other.
The students also worked on a wellbeing writing piece based on the book ‘The Important Book’ by Margaret Wise Brown. The students had to interview a classmate and create a writing piece to reflect the important characteristics of their friend.
SAT Elections
Last week the students had their Student Agency Team election. We were impressed by the number of risk-takers having a go and everyone did an excellent job. The representatives were voted in by their classmates and the results were extremely close.
We are pleased to announce the following reps:
3A - Aleia R
3B - Abby L
3C - Avie M
The students have been enjoying their weekly science lessons with Mrs Graham. They have come back to the classroom buzzing about their investigation into plants and their requirements to grow.
This week they planted a borlotti bean and seeds taken from the sweet peas outside the Year 2 building. They will be recording their growth over the next week in their classroom.
Year 3 Sport
In preparation for playing rounders the students have been practising their under-arm throwing and catching skills. It has been wonderful to see everyone having a go and the friendly competition they have been enjoying.
Cyber Safety Incursion
This week we were privileged to have Trent Ray from the Cyber Safety Project visit the school to empower the Year 3 students to take control over their online wellbeing.
The students were engaged throughout the session, sharing their experiences about the platforms they access and learned some skills and techniques to protect themselves and take back control online. They learnt about the connection between too much screen time and having difficulty getting to sleep. They identified the need to take breaks away from their screens and had a dancing competition followed by a short meditation.
They also learnt about banter vs bullying and learnt about ways to get help when they may receive negative comments online. These include:
- Reporting the post
- Talking to your support crew
- Using app settings to stop it happening again
Trent also mentioned that students can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 for help and advice too.
Student Cyber Safety Accounts
On Tuesday the 21 February the year three students had a cyber safety lesson with Trent.
We learnt what digital Wellbeing is …
- When you get out of things that make you feel bad
- When you are responsible for your devices
We also learnt that you have to take a break and move;
One thing you can do is ...
- meditation
- A dance party
By Betty 3C
On Tuesday 21 February, the year three students had a cyber safety lesson in the year four class room with one of their cyber safety teachers, Trent.
The year three students learnt what the meaning of online wellbeing is, and this is what they said...
Before you go on a device you should take a big gulp of water so if you get hooked on your device you will need to go to the loo and will have to take a while off your device while you are in the loo.
They also said... online wellbeing means keeping yourself safe online.
Thank you. By Johanna 3C.