Year 1 News

We have had so much fun beginning Year 1
We would like to congratulate the Year 1 students for the positive manner in which they have started the school year as they have transitioned seamlessly. They have been very busy getting to know their new teachers and friends and have enjoyed setting up new routines.
SMART Spelling and Word Work
The Year 1 students have learnt the SMART Spelling technique understanding that in order to learn their words they must first Say the word and understand its Meaning. They then need to Analyse the word looking at its syllables, sounds and letters followed by Remembering the tricky parts. Once they have mastered the word, they can then Teach it to someone else.
Each day the students practise their words and complete a word work activity to consolidate them. They have really enjoyed the Word Work activities and have produced some very impressive learning.
Cyber Safety Incursion
It has been an exciting, jam packed first four weeks of Year 1 for our students, with learning experiences including ‘E-smart Week’ and the ‘Cyber Safety Incursion’ with Trent Ray from the Cyber Safety Project. Students learnt strategies to carry with them to react appropriately in a situation where they may feel anxious, worried or overwhelmed online.
Singing Stop at Assembly
Take Home Reading Journals
Mrs Vawdrey from the Treehouse Program demonstrated to all of the Year One students how we can be great readers by reading each and every day. The students were shown how many books they would read for the year. The students were also shown how to fill out our Take Home Reading Journals appropriately.
The children all showed so much excitement about choosing their daily sticker and colouring in the reading rainbow after many weeks of successful nightly reading.
Maths 3 Daily
The Year 1 students have launched the ‘Maths 3 Daily’ which encompasses “Math by Myself”, “Math with Someone” and “Math Writing”. The students have been immersed in targeted activities and kinaesthetic practice to help build a deeper understanding of math concepts.
Unit of Inquiry
The first part of Term 1 the students have explored the Transdisciplinary Theme ‘Who We Are’. Our Central Idea is ‘The decisions people make influence their relationships with each other'. We commenced the Unit by reading ‘The Best Part of Me’. We explored the attributes that make us individual and unique. Each child completed a writing activity explaining the best part of them.