Prep News

Congratulations Preps!
The Prep students have had a wonderful start to school! We are so proud of the confidence they have displayed by lining up outside and coming into the Prep Learning Centre independently and joining their teachers and classmates.
It has been wonderful to see the children play happily, form new friendships and start to settle into the daily routines of school life.
Below are some photos of the students enjoying developmental play in their classroom.
Prep A
Prep B
Prep C
So many big smiles and happy faces!
We are looking forward to sharing an exciting Prep year with you and your children.
Many thanks,
Miss Evins, Mrs Gibbon & Mrs Lee
SMART Spelling
The Prep children all really enjoyed starting their SMART Spelling journey last week. SMART Spelling is a program created by Michelle Hutchison in 2015 which comprises of a 'Word of the Week' and ‘Sentence of the Week’.
"The 'Word of the Week' inspires curiosity, excitement, hands-on shared experiences, rich oral language and most importantly…fun…and that makes learning stick! Sounds and letters are taught explicitly and systematically in a carefully structured sequence from the Words of the Week. ‘The Sentence of the Week’ places the most commonly seen words into meaningful sentences."
We began by learning the letters and sounds in the word ‘cat.’ The Preps all had so much fun creating their own cats and listening to cat stories throughout the week such as The Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss and Greedy Cat by Joy Cowley. This week we have moved on to the sounds /a/, /n/ and /t/ and have been thinking about how they go together to make the word ‘ant.’
Prep B
Prep C
The Cyber Safety Project
The Preps all had so much fun and learnt a lot about cyber safety when they were visited by Trent from The Cyber Safety Project.
The Preps began by thinking about how they stay safe offline, by wearing helmets, seatbelts and sunscreen.
They then started to think about how we can stay safe online too.
Trent discussed different people who can be unsafe online like tricky people, strangers and unkind people.
Tricky people can try to steal our personal information and strangers may not be who they say they are. We need to be on the lookout when we are online.
The Preps were asked to think about how they might know when they are not safe online and they were asked to think about their feelings. When we feel happy, excited and relaxed, these good feelings indicate that we are safe.
However, feeling sad, worried, nervous and scared are heavy feelings and let us know we may be unsafe.
The Preps all helped Trent identify unsafe situations and they learnt to STOP when they feel unsafe online. STOP stands for:
S - silent
T - tell an adult
O - out (get out)
P - play something else
The Preps identified some adults they could talk to such as their mum, dad and their teachers. The Preps understand that there are many wonderful activities to do online such as play games, watch videos and search for information, but they also need to know when to STOP so that they can stay safe online.
Storytime with Mr Plowright
The Preps were very excited to welcome one of our Assistant Principals, Mr Plowright, into our Prep Great Hall last week.
Mr Plowright read a story to the Preps called 'I Knew You Could' by Craig Dorfsman, which is a story about feeling unsure about starting new things, however, if you tell yourself, you can do it, then you will often succeed!