OSHC in Photos
Cooking Club
Cooking club has well and truly started up this term with students already baking banana muffins, pizza muffins and sausage rolls in the school canteen. It has been exciting to see some of our senior students stepping up and showing our new preps how cooking club runs, helping them to read the recipes and sharing some skills that they have learnt over the past few years.
This term we are keen to explore some ‘family favourite’ recipes so if you have a recipe that is special to your family or something you think our students will enjoy making, please come and speak with us or email Kelly so that we can include it in our program.
Yoga / Meditation
This term we have started a Yoga and Meditation room once a week in the music room. Students have been enjoying these quite sessions of yoga and meditation especially on the hot days! A big thank you to our educator Amber’s dad who kindly donated a bunch of yoga mats for our students to use!
Important Reminder – Updating Medical and Health Details
Just a reminder it is essential that you let us know in writing of any changes in regard to health and medical details including allergies, food intolerances and medical conditions. It is also essential that we are provided with up-to-date documentation including medical plans, risk minimisation plans and medication that is kept on site.
Frequently Asked Question
What happens if my child forgets to come to after school care?
We have policies and procedures we put in place in the event your child hasn’t arrived to OSHC as booked, this includes paging the child over the intercom, contacting the child’s teacher and the school office and then contacting families and emergency contacts, as a last resort police and emergency service may be called. It is for this reason that we ask that you notify us of any absences as soon as possible.
Quote of the fortnight
“Dreams come a size too big so that we can grow into them”- Josie Bisset
As always, families are welcome to give us feedback about any aspect of the program. We welcome your input! Please feel free to come in and have a chat with Kelly or Amanda or send Kelly an email oshc@beaumarisnorthps.vic.edu.au