Student Interview

Student Interview With Zoe B and Rebecca W 3B
What do you love about school?
Zoe – I love that I get to see my friends.
Rebecca- I love to see my friends and teachers.
What are you most proud of?
Zoe- I am most proud of my writing.
Rebecca- I am mostly proud of my story writing.
Who is your hero?
Zoe- My friends, because they include me in everything they do and they take care of me when I’m sad.
Rebecca- My family, because they take care of me and look after me during my life.
Do you play a sport or have a hobby?
Zoe- I play the violin and do gymnastics.
Rebecca- I play basketball, my team is called Shark Power.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Zoe- I would like to be a zookeeper so I can help animals.
Rebecca- Either a teacher, babysitter or a vet.
What did you see recently that made you smile/be happy?
Zoe- My teachers and my helper teacher.
Rebecca- Being in class with all my teachers and friends, makes me happy.
If you had a wish, what would you wish for?
Zoe- I wish that the ocean wasn’t full of rubbish.
Rebecca- I wish that I could have a puppy.