Teaching and Learning
Welcome to our new students
Last week we welcomed our new Year 7s along with many other new students from other year levels into our Learning Community. We are very excited about welcoming your child into our school and for their future. We know they are going to take advantage of all that we offer. I am sure you share our determination in seeing that they are happy and successful.
Class of 2022
As we embark on the 2023 school year, we would like to wish our class of 2022 every success as these 118 students embark on a wide range of tertiary placements, apprenticeships and employment. Special congratulations to our VCE Dux, Callum Walker for an outstanding ATAR of 97.90 and our VCAL Dux, Macie Free.
St Joseph's College has this year changed how we communicate with our school community. We have moved to Compass as our school management system which replaces SIMON/PAM and Operoo.
Compass is a web-based student management system which you can access in two ways:
• the Parent Portal, on any web browser on your computer/device, or
• the Compass School Manager app, available on any mobile device.
Instructions for using both the portal and the app are included below in the Parent Guide.
All parents/guardians have been emailed a unique login username and temporary password. You will be prompted to change your password when you first log in. It will also ask you to verify your mobile number and email address. It is great to see many of our parents have already logged into Compass. If you have yet to, please do so. We request that each parent logs in so that they can see their children’s school activities, attendance, achievements, school communication and news in 2023.
Upon your first login, you will be required to change your password and confirm your email address and mobile phone number. These details may be used by our school for SMS, password recovery and email communication throughout the year. If you have not received your log in details please ring the school on 03 5482 2577 and ask to speak to our new Student Services Office team or alternatively email them at studentservices@sje.vic.edu.au. They will be able to check we have your correct email address and re-issue your login details.
If you have lost your details or forgotten your password, you can recover your details by clicking the ‘Can’t access your account?’ link on the front page of our home screen which can be accessed through Google Chrome at https://sje-vic.compass.education/
Each newsletter we will be including helpful information on how you can use Compass.
This week we will explain how you can use Compass to quickly and easily add an attendance note if your child will be late to school or absent for the day or coming days.
Simply follow the simple steps below.
Lisa Saillard
College Leader - Teaching and Learning