Curriculum Matters - Mathematics


During Mathematics this term, we will again promote routines and activities enabling students to continually building onto their skills and number knowledge. In addition, opportunities to problem solve will assist logical thinking and mathematical reasoning.


It is vital that all students have a good working knowledge of place value, number patterns including interval counting and times tables and establish ways of undertaking mental calculations swiftly and accurately.


Year 3s and 4s are expected to work with numbers to 10,000 and into the ten thousands respectively.



Term 2 will see students investigate...

* problem solving strategies for +, -, x, ÷ scenarios

* common fractions extending into mixed number, equivalent fractions and decimal notation (tenths and hundredths)

* properties of 2D and 3D shapes

* units of measurement - mass, capacity, length, temperature

* in addition to collecting, organising and presenting data.


Many Torrens students confidently transfer their number knowledge and understandings into authentic situations at home and in their leisure time. It is most pleasing to read/hear of evidence in their homework.


Well done too, to the families who are assisting their children to hasten the recall of basic number facts, including multiplication facts. Many children are successfully using online programs like Numerical Acumen to test their skills and increase their automaticity.