Primary Assembly 

Week 5 & Week 9

Primary Assembly - Week 5

Assistant Principal Awards 

Sophie Rumbel - Assisting others with their work tasks

Eva Artz - For being a responsible learner with increased confidence

Malakai Pixton -  For always demonstrating our core values

Ivy-Mae  Atcheson-Shozi   - For taking pride in her work and being a respectful and responsible learner

Toby Morrow - For always showing Pride, Respect and Responsibility


Early Stage 1 Rainbow

Ava Skinner -  Increasing confidence when speaking about familiar topics

Tari Landsborough -  Working hard in maths


Stage 1 Plum 

Ned Roberson - A wonderful start to Guyra Central School

Maddi Onslow - Using her resilience skills when coming to school each day

Johnny Lockyer - Using 'counting on' strategies for numbers to 20

Louisa Di Certo - Applying strategies learnt in InitiaLit to her writing


Stage 2 Turquoise 

Hamish Brown - Enthusiastic approach to dance and drama

Shy Shy Torrens - Enthusiastic approach to dance and drama

Jasper Eddy - Displayed strong dramatic skills

Ivy-Rose Brazier - A thoughtful approach to maths mentals

Hunter Melmeth - Working diligently and paying close attention in class


Stage 3 Mint 

Tesa Roberson - Welcome to Guyra Central School 

Rosie Gordon - Improved understanding of number patterns and their rules

Elsa Kliendienst - Excellent reading at the ANZAC assembly

Lacey O'Hara - Welcome to Guyra Central School


Stage 3 Aqua 

Lincoln Rowe - Working well on all set tasks in class

Thomas Tomkins - Good work in Mathematics this term

Noah Gilvear - Always trying his best in class


Primary Assembly - Week 9

Assistant Principal Awards

Recipients are selected for this award for always demonstrating Guyra Central School's core PBL values of Pride, Respect and Responsibility.


Matari Landsborough - Early Stage 1 Rainbow 

Nicholas Hutton - Stage 1 Lime 

Morgan Swift - Early Stage 1 Rainbow 

Meghan Beard - Stage 3 Mint 

Billy Ryan - Stage 3 Aqua 

Ashton Hutton - Stage 2 Turquoise 

Merit Certificates

Early Stage 1 Rainbow 

Ivie-Mae Atcheson-Shozi - For her continued effort in Literacy

Indi-anna Atcheson-Shozi - For being a kind friend to all classmates

Nayte Mayled - For using counting on strategies in maths


Stage 1 Lime 

Matilda Auld - A wonderful improvement in her reading

Aria Mayled - Using her perseverance in all areas at school

Harry McRae - Welcome to Guyra Central School- Congratulations on a great start


Stage 3 Mint 

Dominik Massey - Working hard to improve his knowledge about time

Amelia Hartas-Berry - Developing and remembering her own sign names for her classmates

Chris Tremayne - Improved attitude to his learning


Stage 3 Aqua 

Beau Irlam - Showing great improvement with his attitude towards hi learning in class

Ava Williams - Showing great improvement with her problem-solving skills in Mathematics

Lincoln Atkin - His commitment to improvement in his learning this term

William Vidler - Outstanding effort in debating and public speaking this term