Pastoral Care

Mentors and buddies at Climbfit

  • Mentoring Program - Climb Fit Activity
  • Student Diary Planner Use
  • Co-Curricular Involvement, Pastoral Care, Connection
  • Harmony Day - National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence
  • Mercy College Mass
  • St Pius Students vs Old Boys Gala Day
  • Counselling Team
  • Thank You for Donations of Lego
  • Boxercise
  • After-school study

Student Wellbeing Anecdotes from the Diary

"Good things don't happen in a hurry."  German proverb

"To focus on the wonders of life spend more time outdoors at parks, rivers, lakes and the beach."

Mentoring Program - Climb Fit Activity


Our first 'buddies' mentoring activity was a huge success last Friday at 'Climb Fit' rock climbing facility at St Leonards.  Over 45 students from Year 5 buddies to their Year 11 mentors attended this activity which focused on building and strengthening friendships as well as fostering self-confidence and resilience in our younger students.  Thanks to Mr Paul Ticli (Year 11 Coordinator) and Mr Phil Stollery (Year 8 Coordinator) and Mr Greg Virgona (Year 7 Coordinator) who gave of their own time to provide transport and supervision on the afternoon.

The comments below received from Caitlin Jeffries, a staff member at 'Climb Fit', clearly highlight how successful this activity was in terms of our wonderful Year 11 Peer Mentors and their outstanding contribution as leaders of our College.

"My name is Caltlin and I'm a staff member at Climb Fit St Leonard's.  I was working when the St Pius boys came in on Friday night with the mentoring program.

I am writing to congratulate the school and the boys involved on the outstanding behaviour they demonstrated throughout the night.  It was so refreshing to hear the encouraging chatter between the Year 11s and the Year 5s.  The interactions were incredibly positive and genuine and I was so impressed with the care and compassion the Year 11s were showing to their younger buddies.

I also appreciated the way a majority of the boys came up to me at the end of the evening to say thank you - something I have rarely experienced.

The boys were a credit to your school and to the teachers who attended on Friday night.  I have worked with primary and high school students through another job for over 6 years now, and the mentoring program you are running has produced incredible results.  I've rarely worked with such a wonderful group of students."

Mr Rick Russo - Counsellor

Student Diary Planner Use

As we move into assessment of learning season, I remind all students that they should be using their Student Diary Planners to optimise and organise their effective learning. The ICT Use Agreement on pages 17-18 should be signed by students and parents by now, and will be checked in omerooms this week. The positive education activities are being used in Homeroom / Pastoral Care time as reflection, goalsetting, wellbeing monitoring, and motivational stimuli. On each daily page students should have their subject filled in along, with a learning outcome, homework prompt or consideration for future learning from each lesson.

As Aristotle pointed out: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Make a habit of doing things well, to the best of your ability, and of making a positive difference in your every interaction in the world.

Co-Curricular Involvement, Pastoral Care, Connection

As we move from the Summer season to trials and pre-season training for our winter activities I am encouraged by the determination and pride with which I have seen our young men represent themselves and the school, at Basketball semi-finals last weekend, at Cricket, Tennis, Squash, Music, Choir, Football trials, pre-season Rugby training, Cross Country training and Swimming.

With Year 5 and Year 8 Pastoral Care Camps taking place next week, all students should approach these opportunities to challenge themselves and develop shared positive experiences with their peers with a degree of excitement and a growth mindset.

Year 8 students Nicholas Gladen, Spencer Anderson and Bohan Johnson are representing the College in the ISA swimming carnival before heading to join their classmates at the Year 8 Camp: “Carpe Diem”.

All students are encouraged at this time to consider how they are effectively representing the school and engaging with the co-curricular programs over at least two terms of activities each year. Open Day is another opportunity where students can contribute to the good name and positive reputation of the College and its students.

Harmony Day - National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence Assembly

Friday 20 March

On Friday 20 March at our Assembly we will celebrate Harmony Day ably led by our Student Wellbeing Prefects and Student Empowerment Team.

Our visitors from remote Goodooga Central School will be our guests of honour complemented by members of our Our Lady of Dolours Parish and School and Mercy College wider community.

The Assembly will celebrate difference and diversity across our community and explore the questions: What does it look like when our communities are at their harmonious best?

We look forward to an inclusive celebration with the members of our wider community and to developing an understanding of our roles in promoting cohesion, teamwork and harmony. Our actions to negate the negative effects of violence, bullying and derogatory interactions in all the forms they take are vital and ongoing. 

After the Assembly the students from Goodooga will join us in some classes for Periods 1 and 2, then share morning tea with our Wellbeing Team, before taking a small group of students to participate in the Indigenous Games in Wentworth Park. Contact Mr Brannan if you would like to be considered to participate.

Thank you to those families who have already lent us camp mattresses to accommodate the group for their week-long stay. Mr Brannan can be contacted at if you can assist further in this respect.

Mercy College Chapel Mass

We were well represented at Fr Jim’s weekly Chapel Mass in the Mercy Sister’s Chapel last Tuesday by the following students: Year 10 Tom Fong, Year 9 Caleb Hanrahan and Jonathon Webster. I am pleased to report that we all made it back well in time for roll call. Any other interested participants can meet Mr Brannan at 7.50 am leaving the foyer every second Tuesday alternate to our St Pius Chapel Mass.

St Pius Students vs Old Boys Gala Day

Members of the College community are reminded of the opportunity to join in our Annual Old Boys vs Students Gala Day on Sunday 22 March.

Year 12 Wellbeing Prefects - Harrison Wallace, Daniel Fileman and Will Oner are joined by Sports Captains: Will Chen (Treacy), Sam Barrell (Rice), Duncan Dingley (Purton) and Kiefer O’Brien (Barron) in organising Basketball and Touch Football matches between Old Boys and Students from 10.00 am – 11.00 am.  Mr Quilty will play a 1st XI Football trial between his charges and a past captains-studded team between 9.00 am and 11.00 am.

The celebratory BBQ and awarding of the aggregate trophy will take place from 11.00 am. The main objective of the occasion is to develop those connections which may help our alumni through their Tertiary studies, working careers and life journey. 80+ years of past students have answered the call through Fide et Labore.

Please send any queries or expressions of intention to attend to so that we can cater with some degree of confidence.

Fide et Labore

Mr Sean Brannan - Assistant Principal Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Counselling Team 

The Counselling Team is available to provide confidential emotional and social support and guidance for your son and family throughout the year.  The College Counselling team consists of:


Mr Rick Russo

Counsellor (Full time Monday to Friday) working with students across all year groups.


Direct Phone:  9414-4359

School Mobile (in case of emergency):  0418-438-325


Mrs Joe McCarthy

Psychologist (2 days per week:  Tuesday and Thursday) working with students across all year groups.


Direct Phone:  9414-4322


Mrs Judy Gill

Psychologist (2 days per week:  Monday and Wednesday) working with student across all year groups.


Direct Phone:  9414-4315

Thank you for donations of Lego

Sincere thanks to those families who donated Lego to our 'Brick Break' program.  It is heart-warming to see such generosity.  The Lego will be very well re-loved by our junior students.

Mrs Joe McCarthy - Counsellor


St Pius X College has a BOXERCISE program that runs every Thursday and Friday mornings from 7.30 am till 8.10 am in the College Junior School playground and School Gym. This program is voluntary and free to all students across all year groups. Students can attend one or both days.


Further details and information can be obtained from Mr Rick Russo on or 9414-4359.


Mr Rick Russo - Counsellor

After School Study

After school study is held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons in E1, from 3.15 - 4.30 pm for Years 5 to 10 students.  All welcome.