In IDEEA Lab we were introduced to an Australia wide short film competition ran by ACMI. There were three categories of animation, live action and gaming. At the start of the year we started planning for our ScreenIT movie followed by many weeks of working on our live action film before submitting it.

At first it was hard to find an idea but in the end we settled on "Terry Rex the dinosaur living in the 21st century".

 Once the movie was finally finished we found out a few weeks later that we had been chosen as a finalist for the 2017 ScreenIT Competition Awards. The red carpet event was a lot of fun, we got to see clips of the other finalists and have a fun day about in the city. It was an amazing experience.


Lola, Poppy, Suzanne, Tayla




VCE Drama excursion to Shakespeare’s Pop Up Globe.

To kick off our VCE Drama program for Jumpstart, the new Year 11 and Year 12 Drama group visited the Pop Up Globe, which is a replica of England’s Globe Theatre, currently erected at The Sydney Myer Music bowl. It was fantastic to experience Shakespeare’s play, Much Ado About Nothing performed in its original open air space and this added to the atmosphere for the students. It was a very hot day, so standing in the ‘Groundlings’ section (traditionally reserved for the Commoners) was at times a bit tough but we were mostly too absorbed in the magic of the play to notice. The students enjoyed the amazing performance skills of the actors, the comedy, the creative use of the staging and the modern twists that made the performance more accessible to them.  They were inspired by the performance and came back to school full of ideas to use in their own VCE performance tasks.

Year 12 student Alex commented that ‘the experience bought the stories of Shakespeare to life for the students, in an entertaining performance that was mesmerising and inspirational’. We would recommend anyone in the school community who is curious to go and see for themselves, before the Pop Up globe disappears at the end of January.

Melanie Evans