Library Competition
Golden Ticket Competition
There are still 8 Golden Tickets hidden in fiction books to be found before the end of Semester 1. If you have found a Golden Ticket and finished reading your book, don't forget to give your book review to a member of the library staff. You will then go into the draw for an incredible prize at the end of semester.
It's Not Like it's a Secret
This book is about a sixteen-year-old teenage girl named Sana Kiyohara.
Sana made a new Asian friend named Elaine. She has other friends too and their names are Hanh and Reggie and they all become best friends. They all go to school together in America.
There is a boy enrolled at the school named Caleb and Sana has a crush on him. Sana and her friends watched the footy together to see Caleb.
The school has a homecoming party at a club. Sana and Caleb dance together and did a K Pop Star karaoke.
I didn’t read the whole book but my prediction for the ending could be Sana and Caleb end up together.
This book is very social and romantic for teenagers to read.
This is an excellent book and I would rate this book 7/10.
By Kaya Krastic Year 7
Weirdo Splashy Weird
Author: Anh Do
I thought the book was funny and I love how it’s a picture book with funny photos. Also, it makes me interested and I want to know what happens next because I know it’s going to be funny. I read the other weirdo books and they were all funny. There are 11 weirdo books in the series, which is a lot and every single one of them are funny and WEIRD-O.
Zakaria Aboueid - 7B