Principal's Update

Principal's Message

Term 4 is always a busy but exciting term. It began with the College Captains and Vice Captains for 2019 being selected. They are: College Captains – Imogen Goodall and Cooper Marriott, Vice Captains – Tayla Walker and Will Hipkin. Congratulations.


Every four years all government schools undertake an independent review. This year was our turn. The process was rigorous and extremely positive. All members of the community were invited to contribute and many people were spoken to by our reviewer, Gaell Hildebrand. Thankyou to those who took the time to meet with Gaell. Gaell will make recommendations based on her findings and goals will be developed to take the school into the next 4 years. 

Year 12 students finished 13 years of education and have completed their exams. Results will be available 14th December.


Year 10 students graduated and are ready to move into Year 11.


Year 9 students took part in various industry tours, so they could experience a snapshot of different career pathways and Year 8 students experienced Monash University.


All students participated in exams and this marks the end of their studies for 2018. Well done to everyone.


The 2018 school year ended with Presentation Day for all students in Year 7-10. Students were suitably nervous prior to and during their presentations.


It was lovely to see so many parents joining in the presentations at Year 7&8. Year 9 students presented on a community issue, whilst the Year 10 students took part in mock interviews. Each year community members are invited to interview the Year 10 students and they always leave the school very positive. I think many of them enjoy the process more than the students. I know many of the staff do, as they constantly sing the praises of our students.


The 2019 school year "HeadStart" begins for all students on Monday 26th November.


I wish you a safe and happy holiday.


Linda Stanton
