Student Awards
June 2021
Foundation: Lexi
Lexi, you should be proud of the excellence you have been demonstrating during our literacy time. You have been giving all learning tasks your very best go and even been willing to challenge. Keep up the hard work!
Foundation: Maddy
Maddison, you should be proud of the resilience you have shown during remote learning. It is great to see you trying to be the best you can be at all times. Keep it up!
Foundation: Max
What a fantastic term you have had! Each day you show resilience with your learning, you always try your best and you should be proud with what you have achieved. Keep up the great work!
Foundation: Anhad
What a 5 star learner you are Anhad! You consistently demonstrate respect to all the people around you and always try your best in all areas of your learning.
Junior A: Charlie
It was fantastic to see you participating so actively in our Zoom sessions every day Charlie. You made Remote Learning fun for everyone. It is great to see your resilience with your learning. Keep working hard!
Junior B: Hezekiah
For demonstrating resilience throughout remote learning and using great creativity to complete his learning tasks.
Middle A: Kruze
What a fantastic effort you you have been giving in your writing lately. As a result of your hard work, your great ideas are now organised in paragraphs, making it easier for the reader to follow the story. Keep up the amazing work!
Middle A: Yehia
What a fantastic effort you gave in our weeks of home learning! It was great have you share your thinking in our Zoom sessions, and you did a fantastic job on your independent tasks as well.
Middle A: Maddie
You are a wonderful role model to other students. Your attitude to learning is fantastic, and you continue to improve your skills each week. You show care and empathy for others in the classroom and in the yard, and we all appreciate your kindness.
Senior B: Abby
Fantastic job with your writing this week Abby. I enjoyed reading your latest writing pieces - they are amazing. Your writing is continuously improving and you should be proud! Keep up the good work!
Senior B: James
James, what a fantastic, successful first term you've had here at KPS. You have done an amazing job fitting in and making new friends! I enjoy reading your creative stories and enjoy how you give all your tasks a go - even when they are hard! Keep up the good work!
Senior B: Tara
Tara, what a successful semester you've had! You constantly try your best and continue show enthusiasm with your learning. I'm really proud of the great progress you have made throughout the semester. Keep up the good work!
Art: Connor
Connor, you demonstrated Excellence this week in Art when completing your Jazzy Fish. You used amazing fluro colours and were able to use pattern and shape to create the fish outlines. Keep up the great art work!
Science: Maxwell
I'm really proud of the resilience you showed this week when you were experiencing some challenges with our investigation. Keep up the great work!