Acting Principal's Report
Wow, What A Term!!
Congratulations and thank you to every single member of our school community for the very important contributions you have made to Kilsyth Primary School this term.
Switching from Onsite Learning to Remote Learning and back again
Looking after each other when there was no power or internet or phone service
Making sure students could come to school (onsite or remote) every day
Helping out at our Working Bee and excursions and camps, while restrictions allowed
Supporting students through NAPLAN
Cheering on our teams at Interschool Sport and Cross Country
We have achieved so much as a school, and could not have done it all without the support of Students, Parents and Staff.
We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday 12th July!
Thank You, Mr Wells
David Wells stepped into our school as Acting Principal five weeks ago, and we have been very grateful to have him here. He has quietly provided guidance and support to students, staff and parents.
He has enjoyed our school so much, that he has decided to stay with us until mid-Term 3!
Please continue to make him feel welcome at KPS!
Farewell Ms Meilak, Mrs Green and Sharon
Ms Meilak will begin at her new school next term, and we wish her every success there. Thank you, Fiona, for your significant contributions at Kilsyth Primary School - as a teacher, colleague and friend. You leave behind a significant legacy and we will absolutely keep in touch.
Mrs Green finishes up at Kilsyth Primary School today, to prepare for the arrival of her baby. Thank you, Kate, for the way you stepped into Kilsyth Primary School as PE teacher with such confidence and compassion. We wish you all the very best as you embark upon your next and arguably most important job as a mother.
Sharon won't be working at Kilsyth PS next term, and we wish her all the best for her future endeavours.
Welcome Mr Taila and Mrs Brooks!
We welcome Mr Taila as Middle A's new teacher, and Mrs Brooks as PE teacher next term! If you see them around in the yard, be sure to introduce yourself and make them feel welcome!
-David Wells and Anna Johnstone