Middle School

Year Nine Future Pathways

Information Session | Friday 20 August 2021


In Week Five of this term Year Nine students will explore some of the various pathways that are on offer for their future education.


On Friday 20 August we will also be presenting a Future Pathways Information Session for parents and guardians. This initiative is in response to requests from parents in the annual parent survey, and to keep parents informed about the ongoing changes in the education landscape.


During school on Thursday and Friday of that week, a careers group, Curtin AHEAD, will be talking to Year Nines in small groups with the aim of getting students to start thinking about and planning their future education. The Curtin Addressing Higher Educational Access Disadvantage (AHEAD) Program is a dynamic outreach initiative that offers tailored opportunities for school students to receive personalised assistance to better understand the higher education environment. The program is delivered through interactive in-class workshops, which are aligned with the Australian Blueprint for Career Development. Students will come away with a greater awareness of their learning styles and how they link to their future choices in Years Ten, Eleven, Twelve and beyond.


At 2.00pm we will be holding a Future Pathways information session for parents. The timing of this session is the day before the mid-term boarders closed weekend. Hopefully, this will assist in allowing boarding parents to attend before travelling home with their children. At this session you will hear about what Great Southern Grammar has to offer all students as they continue their education. This includes ATAR and VET pathways, courses on offer at GSG, Workplace Learning, TAFE courses that link to school and some new initiatives.


Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be available beforehand. An email will be sent out next week for you to RSVP. I look forward to seeing parents at this event.


Mr Adam Scott | Head of Middle School

Containers for Change

This week some new “Containers for Change” bins have been placed around the School.  As you are aware containers that are returned receive a 10-cent refund. The intention for the money raised from these bins is to assist with improving facilities for students. The first priority is to plant more trees around the School. 


The bins have signs with what containers can be put in them, most notably small cans, plastic bottles and cartons. While there are only three bins on site we need students to make the effort of walking to these bins, rather than just place them in general waste bins. We also do not want any other rubbish in these bins, such as food scraps, as we will not receive funds if the bins are polluted. A larger bin drop-off for parent and community donations will be coming soon. 


The GSG Environmental Committee