Secondary News


All the way back in May 2021, Team VCAL went by train to ACMI studios. On this trip we learned about the evolution of cinema and television throughout history, as well as learning about and considering ideas for our Outdoor Cinema project in Semester 2.

We travelled by foot to Jacana Train Station to go to Flinders Street Station. On the steps of Flinders Street, we all pretended to be emo kids. After that it was a short walk to ACMI. When we first arrived at the venue, the curator explained that the main exhibit was about the history of film and television over time. 


She also gave us all a special scanning device called a Lens. We were supposed to use these devices to scan for extra information on particular parts of the exhibit that we found interesting. 




After we received our lenses, we explored the entirety of the exhibit. Things in the exhibit that stood out to us the most was the variety of filming equipment that has been used over the years. Another stand out was the memory garden. It was a dark room with a variety of projectors. If you held your hand underneath the projector, a moving image would show up on your hand.  The Cup Head stop-motion animation and the car showing both the movie Mad Max and Bush Mechanics were also very interesting physical exhibits. The story board exhibit gave us an idea on how scenes in movies are constructed. 

The movies featured included Shrek and Madagascar 2. 

 After we  left the exhibit we had lunch and after we finished our lunch, we went back on the train all the way back to school. Going to ACMI studios was a lot of fun and it gave us a lot of perspective regarding film and modern media. It has inspired us to make the Outdoor Cinema as successful as can be. 

        - Written collaboratively by VCAL Students and Staff.

Secondary Sub School News

I want to congratulate all families and students for the work you have put in during this recent remote learning period. As you can see, remote learning can look a number of different ways:


* Seesaw activities

* Photos of learning

* Online coding

* Webex meetings between students


We really appreciate all the communication we have been having with you. I know the Teachers value the conversations they share with you via seesaw and email. 

SSG meetings will be taking place over the next 3 weeks. 

Please contact your classroom Teacher if you have not yet received your SSG parent letter. This round of SSG’s will focus on the Semester 1 reports, as well as parent/carer reflections, as always.