Facilities News 

Dr Denise Clarke                                 Frances Hansen

Capital Works Manager             Acting Facilities Manager

Dr Denise Clarke
Frances Hansen
Dr Denise Clarke
Frances Hansen

Facilities Coordinator

The artificial turf in all playgrounds was groomed during the holidays. Some restructure work was completed in the Administration area as well as ongoing maintenance work around the school in the playgrounds and gardens to maintain and improve the surrounds for staff and students. A new container was installed for Administration storage use in the Staff carpark.


Capital Works:

The architects have been busy during the holidays.  They have started to focus on the new buildings the school will get as part of the Stage 1 works. 


At a meeting during the holidays we had the expertise of Dr. Ben Cleveland who is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne. He presented “Re-designing Education”- concept design considerations.  This was to envisage what the educational spaces could be, not simply relying on what currently exists.


The Capital works Project team with input from other staff have been discussing plans for the "community hub" which will include a half court size gym which will be used for physical education, performances, awards nights, graduations etc. The plans are still at the "mud map" stage but strengthening at every meeting. Thank you to the staff who attended a two and a quarter hour meeting after school finished on Monday. 



Inclusive Schools Fund (Sensory motor Room)

The school has been invited to the "kick-off" meeting next week when the architects appointed will be introduced. This is the start of the process so we are looking forward  to the planning and design.