Year 9

It was wonderful to welcome our Year 9 students back to onsite learning to complete their Semester 1 classes. 


I was extremely impressed with the way students navigated through their first examination experience. I reminded students that a little stress can be positive as it provides the motivational push that we often need to get things done. Sometimes, however, dealing with stress (especially during examination season) can be a difficult thing to do! 


In the lead up to the examinations students were taught a range of relaxation strategies and study techniques to assist with future examination preparations.


We recently held a Year 7 to 9 Celebration Assembly. We congratulate those girls who were presented with the College Values Awards for Semester 1:

9-K1: Brooke Corcoran and Bridgette Veneris

9-K2: Halani Davutovic and Caitlyn Singleton

9-K3: Lorelei Kensington and Violet Reynolds

9-K4: Lola Martin and Alicia Noble

9-K5: Sophie Hollier and Isla Teleky

9-K6: Madison Hong and Emma Stevens 

9-K7: Imogen Godsman-Lee and Vanessa Pucci

Friendships and Belonging

Learning how to make new friends and keep them involves several skills that every young person needs to understand and develop. For some, these skills will come very naturally, allowing them to easily move between different friendship groups, sharing their experiences with new people. For others, this can be much harder to navigate. 


Belonging to a group that is like-minded with similar interests is highly beneficial to a young person’s wellbeing. It gives them a sense of security, helping them feel valued which in turn builds their confidence. 


Positive friendships are an important part of the journey to adulthood. Adult carers can support their child or teenager by providing guidance in the many social and emotional skills required for a healthy relationship. This will help them to obtain, retain and maintain friendships. 


Not all friendship is regarded as positive. Sometimes young people develop negative or toxic friendships. Therefore, it is also important for them to learn how to identify, avoid or deal with such a friendship. 


Below is a clip from School TV on learning how to support a young person’s friendships so that they experience a sense of belonging.


Leah Cristiano

Level Leader: Year 9