Year 8

Thank you all for a wonderful Semester 1. This semester you have lived our College values in the following ways:



  • in the way you are flexible with the ability to adapt to change and to make the very best of your opportunities.


  • that you have shown to each other. In the way that you continue to provide support and encouragement to your classmates and friends who have experienced personal challenges. You are patient, you listen and you seek help from others when needed.


  • You only need to be in the Year 8 corridor when someone is having a birthday to know how much you celebrate each other and make sure each person who is having a special day is made to feel special.


  • Looking towards the future with hope and waiting patiently (and with positivity) for your very first camp at the College, which you will embark on next term to Valley Homestead.


  • As a group, you have a sense of Justice towards each other and the broader community. Whilst every student doesn’t yet know all students in the year level, you have not left anyone behind and have genuinely cared for each other.


  • Our College theme for 2021: Celebrating all that is good with joy and gratitude.

As we move towards the end of Semester 1, imagine and ‘wonder’ what Semester 2 will look like for you.


What am I proud of from this semester?

What am I most looking forward to next semester?

What are my personal goals?

What do I want to achieve?

What are my dreams/hopes/wishes for the second half of my Year 8 experience?


Congratulations to those students from each Homeroom who have been recognised as living our College values of Courage, Compassion, Hope, Hospitality, Justice and Wonder.


8-45: Chloe Freeman and Leah Royal

8-47: Alessia Mastrocola and Maya Corbert

8-48: Amelia Presnell and Maya Johnstone

8-49: Zoe Fitzgerald and Charlotte Hay

8-51: Abby Young and Madison Terblanche

8-52: Adrienne Cameron and Grace Robins


All the best for a relaxed holiday. Please take care of yourself, support your families and siblings and get outdoors when you can. Look after your physical and mental wellbeing and we will see you soon.


Suzanne Grima 

Student Wellbeing Leader: 

Years 7 ‑ 9