From the Principal

It is hard to believe that we have reached the middle of the 2021 school year.  Our Year 7 students have completed their first semester of secondary school while our Year 12 students have entered their final semester! Despite having to transition in and out of remote learning a couple of times and reschedule, postpone or re-imagine some events and trips due to COVID-19, both staff and students have managed this exceptionally well. While our Year 11 students are no doubt disappointed that they are not currently in Uluru as was planned, we all remain hopeful that the Central Australia Immersion will be able to go ahead at a later date.


It has been a very vibrant semester of learning at Kilbreda, both within the classroom and through our very rich co-curricular program. I would like to thank all staff, teaching and support, for their wonderful efforts and contribution to our College community over the semester. Many staff have given generously of their own time to offer additional study classes, activities and programs for students over the course of the semester. Our students are very blessed to have such dedicated staff to provide great facilities, curricular and co-curricular programs and support for both their learning and wellbeing. 

Sunday 20 June was World Refugee Day with this year’s theme being Together we heal, learn and shine. World Refugee Day celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. 


Welcoming all (Hospitality) and Making the needs of the vulnerable paramount (Justice) are two of our core values which we commit ourselves to, not only on days such as World Refugee Day, but every day. The principles of inclusion, equity and respect for the dignity of the human person underpin these core values, principles that we can all choose to live by and to hold our state and national leaders accountable.       


Earlier this week I had the great pleasure of presenting awards to two students in each Year 7 to 9 Homeroom who have lived out our College values this semester, by being welcoming of all, compassionate, courageous, hopeful, grateful and just. By being kind, caring and respectful these students have had a very positive impact whether it be in the classroom, yard, a sports team or other activity. Congratulations to all award recipients! 


Last Thursday evening, Mrs Jane Ward and I took part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout. While we had little sleep, we were buoyed by the money being raised for Vinnies thanks to the generosity of many donors. We are absolutely delighted that, due to this generosity, so far, we have raised $8,715 which will fund 17 individual support programs, 45 beds and 181 meals for those experiencing homelessness. If you would like to donate you can still do so HERE. 


I hope our staff and students look back on this semester with pride and a sense of great achievement; continuing to reflect on opportunities and areas for growth and improvement. It is also important to take time to remember and pray for those in our community who are experiencing challenges at this time, whether it be health, social, emotional or financial; that no situation cannot be improved with time and the support and love of others. 

As the holidays approach, I wish all students and staff a most enjoyable and relaxing break.


Below is one of our daily prayers this week in recognition of Refugee Week.


Lord God,

Help us to remember those who tonight will go to sleep unfed and unwelcome, Strangers in foreign lands, people who have fled for their lives and are far from their homes. We lift up to you those who are escaping persecution and conflict, having fled death, torture or ruthless exploitation.


So many carry wounds, mental and physical. So many have suffered greatly. Lord Jesus, give us more of your compassion for their plight, soften our hearts to their situation, and help us follow your lead in seeking justice and mercy on their behalf.We pray for an end to the wars, poverty, and human rights abuses that drive desperate people to become refugees in the first place.


We give thanks for people working in troubled countries and ask for more of your blessing so we can bring life, dignity, and hope to those that remain. We thank you that you are Lord of all the earth and all its people are loved by you.We pray these things in the name of your Son who was himself born into the troubled life of a refugee.



We Pray For

We ask for your prayers for members of our community and their families who have recently lost loved ones:


Lynette Grace

Mother of Kath De Bruin (staff) and Grandmother of Olivia De Bruin (past pupil) 


Pat Guinan

Past Pupil and College Captain 

Class of 1948


We pray that our loving God hold them gently in the palm of His hand.


Nicole Mangelsdorf
